166 Ezra Cohen X posts about Iran supporting the Democrats (media.greatawakening.win) 🤔💭 Probable Theory 😲💡 posted 187 days ago by queue-anon 187 days ago by queue-anon +167 / -1 29 comments download share 29 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
If Iranians are closely involved............look no further than Valerie Jarrett.
Where has that nasty little treasure-troll been lately? 🤔
Good point and question
This. Before I found Q, I considered her and her strange relationship with the Obama's a truly mystifying mystery. Little did I know.
Remember that time when the Iranian Mullahs publicly "weighed-in" on Treyvon Martin?
Why would Iranian Mullahs give any Fs about some parking lot shooting in America?
I've been thinking Jarrett pulled in that favor......
That connection hasn't gone away.
I had forgotten about that. You're right.
John Kerrys daughter is married to an Iranian, isnt she? And how close are the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran? You have Huma Abedin and multiple muslim members of Congress tied to the MB. Hillary and Obama too.
Agree. She certainly has been quiet and out of the news
Maybe she met up with Sidney Powell at Gitmo and the outcome was what she deserved.
THIS! ☝️
Hussein's Handler
Up Obozo ass would be my guess lol