I have had many people use this argument to justify their own prideful rebellion toward the God of the Bible, saying that He's a brutal and unjust God because He commanded the Hebrews to go into those lands and kill every creature. The same argument can and has been made for God destroying the entire earth by water. Everything died except Noah and his family.
However, sometimes the Bible is purposefully vague in it's retelling of historical events. God wants our trust the same way an earthly father wants the trust of his children. When we were very young, we couldn't understand why our fathers and mothers chastised us when we tried to run across the street. Only they knew the danger we could face if we acted according to our impulse. We had to just trust that they had a good reason for telling us to stay close, hold their hand and wait for the right time.
Understanding God's actions in the Old Testament requires further research to get a better picture of what was going on in those days and why God told the Hebrews to destroy the Canaanites, Hittites, and all the other "ites." in the land. God especially wanted to Assyrians dealt with in a most destructive way.
The bottom line is that these ancient nations had completely corrupted the land with their gross debauchery and bloodlust sin. They were entirely satanic! They were destroying their children (remind you of anything?) in ways that would make the most hardened homicide detective throw up...even far worse than what supposedly is on the "Frazzledrip" video we have all heard about! And this activity wasn't just the occasional satanist...it was the entire culture of the time. The brutal death and destruction was rampant through the entire society.
Every society that's ever existed seems to end when their sin is focused on the most innocent...their children. At this point the culture is so immersed in depravity and the influence of satan has so taken over the culture, it eventually is given over to the depravity and God's judgement will soon follow. Only two nations that I know of have been able to come back from the Abyss of God's looming judgement in the ancient world...the Ninevites and the Hebrews.
However, eventually the Hebrew tribes were judged, destroyed and scattered and out of the chaos a perverted, pseudo nation of "Jews" was reborn and another temple rebuilt and the Old Judaic Covenant continued...but this was to become the worst of the worst in depravity and bloodlust. They ultimately crucified their Messiah after having their ancestral linage having previously killed all the Old Testament Prophets as well.
God only knows when a people reach the pinnacle of their depravity and are beyond restoration. The Jews had reached that pinnacle by 70AD and God unleashed the Roman Empire on them in such fury as the world had never witnessed before. To read the account from the perspective of Josephus (First century Jewish/Roman historian), who had a front row seat to this spectacle is required reading for anyone who wants to really understand what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 24 and the entire Book of Revelation. Everything that Jesus said was going to befall First Century Israel happened in spades! Also, it will put to bed this ridiculous fallacy that Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation have not happened yet. This is one of the biggest lies being propelled in the sanctuaries and seminaries of Christianity today.
In Ecclesiastes Solomon says that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven..."
God never does anything without a purpose and His actions are never done in a vacuum. Usually we don't have the full story told up front, but part of faith is knowing and trusting the character of God. In fact, history demonstrates over and over again...and if you are honest about the state of America...you will agree with me...that God's patience is phenomenal and He waits and waits and waits, and loves, hoping that the sinful nations will repent and allow Him to restore them. Think how long we have had nuclear weapons. Think how America is the only nation to ever use them. So far, the love of God has not allowed us to destroy ourselves. Think about the many millions of God's babies that didn't make it out of their mother's wombs in one piece. And yet God is still working, moving, loving and hoping we will repent as a nation and run back to Him so He can restore our country. Talk about love and patience!
God is not an unjust, psychopathic, despotic killer God that atheists and satanist try to make Him out to be. This is just the wonton rebellion toward their Creator and the unjustified excuses they come up with that sound reasonable to the ignorant...No, the God of all creation is a loving, personable and holy God who demonstrated empirically His amazing love for us when He came to this earth and Himself became the Sacrifice that would truly set all of us free...
I have had many people use this argument to justify their own prideful rebellion toward the God of the Bible, saying that He's a brutal and unjust God because He commanded the Hebrews to go into those lands and kill every creature. The same argument can and has been made for God destroying the entire earth by water. Everything died except Noah and his family.
However, sometimes the Bible is purposefully vague in it's retelling of historical events. God wants our trust the same way an earthly father wants the trust of his children. When we were very young, we couldn't understand why our fathers and mothers chastised us when we tried to run across the street. Only they knew the danger we could face if we acted according to our impulse. We had to just trust that they had a good reason for telling us to stay close, hold their hand and wait for the right time.
Understanding God's actions in the Old Testament requires further research to get a better picture of what was going on in those days and why God told the Hebrews to destroy the Canaanites, Hittites, and all the other "ites." in the land. God especially wanted to Assyrians dealt with in a most destructive way.
The bottom line is that these ancient nations had completely corrupted the land with their gross debauchery and bloodlust sin. They were entirely satanic! They were destroying their children (remind you of anything?) in ways that would make the most hardened homicide detective throw up...even far worse than what supposedly is on the "Frazzledrip" video we have all heard about! And this activity wasn't just the occasional satanist...it was the entire culture of the time. The brutal death and destruction was rampant through the entire society.
Every society that's ever existed seems to end when their sin is focused on the most innocent...their children. At this point the culture is so immersed in depravity and the influence of satan has so taken over the culture, it eventually is given over to the depravity and God's judgement will soon follow. Only two nations that I know of have been able to come back from the Abyss of God's looming judgement in the ancient world...the Ninevites and the Hebrews.
However, eventually the Hebrew tribes were judged, destroyed and scattered and out of the chaos a perverted, pseudo nation of "Jews" was reborn and another temple rebuilt and the Old Judaic Covenant continued...but this was to become the worst of the worst in depravity and bloodlust. They ultimately crucified their Messiah after having their ancestral linage having previously killed all the Old Testament Prophets as well.
God only knows when a people reach the pinnacle of their depravity and are beyond restoration. The Jews had reached that pinnacle by 70AD and God unleashed the Roman Empire on them in such fury as the world had never witnessed before. To read the account from the perspective of Josephus (First century Jewish/Roman historian), who had a front row seat to this spectacle is required reading for anyone who wants to really understand what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 24 and the entire Book of Revelation. Everything that Jesus said was going to befall First Century Israel happened in spades! Also, it will put to bed this ridiculous fallacy that Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation have not happened yet. This is one of the biggest lies being propelled in the sanctuaries and seminaries of Christianity today.
In Ecclesiastes Solomon says that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven..."
God never does anything without a purpose and His actions are never done in a vacuum. Usually we don't have the full story told up front, but part of faith is knowing and trusting the character of God. In fact, history demonstrates over and over again...and if you are honest about the state of America...you will agree with me...that God's patience is phenomenal and He waits and waits and waits, and loves, hoping that the sinful nations will repent and allow Him to restore them. Think how long we have had nuclear weapons. Think how America is the only nation to ever use them. So far, the love of God has not allowed us to destroy ourselves. Think about the many millions of God's babies that didn't make it out of their mother's wombs in one piece. And yet God is still working, moving, loving and hoping we will repent as a nation and run back to Him so He can restore our country. Talk about love and patience!
God is not an unjust, psychopathic, despotic killer God that atheists and satanist try to make Him out to be. This is just the wonton rebellion toward their Creator and the unjustified excuses they come up with that sound reasonable to the ignorant...No, the God of all creation is a loving, personable and holy God who demonstrated empirically His amazing love for us when He came to this earth and Himself became the Sacrifice that would truly set all of us free...
I never said any of those things for which you accuse me. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I simply asked if there are situations where war is justified where God has directed it be done.
In fact I would take it further. God Himself committed an act of war against mankind in the Great Flood. Justified.
The world we live in now wages war against this most High and his children. Unjust and punishable by death.