Ok interesting. I was reading the Rothschild's speech to British parliament regarding pasteurization and apparently a big part of the concern w/respect to pasteurizing is that a large % of British cattle had tuberculosis?
You see any connection there? Maybe Rothschild knew how to cause the TB?
...we cannot deny it, that 40 per cent. of the whole of our cattle in this country react to the tuberculin test. But we have to bear in mind at the same time, that only one half per cent. of our dairy cattle yield tubercular milk, and, if we were to take the drastic steps in the matter of slaughter which are taken in the United States, where there is something less than one half per cent. of the cattle affected with tuberculosis, of course the availability of milk in this country would be reduced. Milk would not be so available in this country and, as a result, there would be an adverse effect on the health of the population, and especially that of the children.
I'll also note that again here we had the pattern of a test creating a lot of hysteria that seems out of proportion to the risk...
Damn them, it's the same fucking game....
I am also uttering this warning because there is a great deal of popular misconception on the danger to human health of milk which contains bovine tubercular germs. It is my experience from time to time to receive drafts of articles and books on various agricultural subjects with the request that I shall provide a foreword or preface. I received one only a week ago, and the proposed title of the book was, Your Enemy the Cow. That book, so far as I was able to read it, contained a good deal of information, although rather exaggerated, similar to that which the noble Lord, Lord Rothschild, has submitted to your Lordships to-day.
Damn them...
...by giving the distributors better-keeping milk, it would make the producers victims of price-bargaining.
Double damn them...
The noble Lord, Lord Rothschild, mentioned experiments at Reading University, and I would remind your Lordships of experiments by Messrs. Mattick and Golding into the nutritive properties of pasteurized milk, the results of which were published in the Lancet in 1931. I will not weary your Lordships with details, but it was conclusively proved that a diet of pasteurized milk reduced the fertility of rats by 52 per cent. Further research was described in the Lancet in 1936 when exactly the same results were confirmed.
Ok but this is kinda cool, electricity as a means of pasteurization without killing the nutrition?
I gather that the Committee, influenced to some extent by the views of the late Sir Oliver Lodge, supported the practical results but were not convinced that electricity acted on the bactericidal side otherwise than as a thermal agent. But that is not the end of the story. There was further research under the same heading and the results were published in 1925. These proved conclusively that electricity played the major part in the slaughter of the tubercle bacillus and did so at a temperature considerably below that considered requisite for pasteurization. Furthermore, this process did not discolour milk or give it any unpleasant taste.
First they figured out how to add TB to the Milk....
Then made the Removal of it into a Problem that would impact the Population....
Then they learned how to remove most, if not ALL of the Nutrition from the Milk....
Then they found out that their Process also Reduced Fertility by FIFTY TWO PERCENT, 52%, it's huge, that's like killing off half of all babies in utero....
An WE are supposed to Pretend that these Vile Snakes have NOT Been trying to kill us off for EONS???
Ok interesting. I was reading the Rothschild's speech to British parliament regarding pasteurization and apparently a big part of the concern w/respect to pasteurizing is that a large % of British cattle had tuberculosis?
You see any connection there? Maybe Rothschild knew how to cause the TB?
I'll also note that again here we had the pattern of a test creating a lot of hysteria that seems out of proportion to the risk...
Damn them, it's the same fucking game....
Damn them...
Double damn them...
Ok but this is kinda cool, electricity as a means of pasteurization without killing the nutrition?
First they figured out how to add TB to the Milk....
Then made the Removal of it into a Problem that would impact the Population....
Then they learned how to remove most, if not ALL of the Nutrition from the Milk....
Then they found out that their Process also Reduced Fertility by FIFTY TWO PERCENT, 52%, it's huge, that's like killing off half of all babies in utero....
An WE are supposed to Pretend that these Vile Snakes have NOT Been trying to kill us off for EONS???
Not Centuries....
Not Decades....