A fren is someone who doesnt judge you, loves and accepts you for all your victories and failures, a fren feels innately and personally tied to you, understands your view of the world, yet accepts and appreciates your occassional disagreements & criticisms. Most of all a fren is a reflection of yourself, and knows theyll be there for another fren to the end.
.... who would of thought a silly green frog meme would represent and mean so much?
A fren would.
Thank you for being a Fren.
Amen fren.
Agree. And I hate when frogs die. Found one floating in bottom of the pool and wished I would have heard he needed help.
Cheers fren
Thank you for being a fren Traveled down a road and back again Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant I'm not ashamed to say I hope it always will stay this way My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow And if you threw a party Invited everyone you knew Well, you would see the biggest gift would be from me And the card attached would say Thank you for being a fren
Only a top tier fren could say such a thing!
best of all best frens! :)
Thanks, fren.
Wise and loving Froggy words...🐸💚
It's spelled friend. Internet ebonics is dumbing people down.
Who's splitting hairs friend ;)
It's fren like Kek is for lol.