Oprah Winfrey Is an Idiot - Moonbattery
Oprah Winfrey may be an idiot, but she is a genius compared to her fans, who must have submammalian IQ levels to be able to swallow the staggering hypocrisy of this greedy zillionaire oppressed person: On a tip from KirklesWorth.
Akka, I believe you are referring to the lack of critical thinking skills, thinking for oneself, discerning how and why certain info is disseminated and evaluating options prior to acting seems be the second greatest deficit in this country…
Every country, probably. Schools are geared mostly towards rote learning, as are universities and most higher education, there aren't many places, if any in most countries, that pay any attention towards teaching those critical thinking skills, or logic, to students. So unless kids are taught those at home most never learn, and you are quite able to go through most higher education to doctoral thesis levels without learning those too, as far as I can see. Which also explains why our science has been getting worse through the last decades, not even the STEM students can necessarily actually think, much less think for themselves.
Now rote learning is maybe necessary for students to be able to fully grasp at least some subjects, but if it's all that is being used... no, that does not lead to good results.