My family is fucking broke, I've got a lazy-ass freeloader who won't find another job (at least my disability gives me an excuse), I've had to bail out my parents AGAIN, and the only hope I have is the 12-and-change GME shares I've DRS'd via Computershare.
Call me self-centered, but I have to sell them at some point to help my family. RoaringKitty/DeepFuckingValue can have his diamond hands, but I have to cash out once GME reaches a certain level--if it does. You don't know how broken our house is, for example.
My current selling point is $100,000 per share. That sounds TO THE MOON! enough.
God, I hope GME really does go TO THE MOON!.
My family is fucking broke, I've got a lazy-ass freeloader who won't find another job (at least my disability gives me an excuse), I've had to bail out my parents AGAIN, and the only hope I have is the 12-and-change GME shares I've DRS'd via Computershare.
Call me self-centered, but I have to sell them at some point to help my family. RoaringKitty/DeepFuckingValue can have his diamond hands, but I have to cash out once GME reaches a certain level--if it does. You don't know how broken our house is, for example.
My current selling point is $100,000 per share. That sounds TO THE MOON! enough.
Sell when you see a price you like. Your 12 shares won't kill the MOASS.
Wen cell? Big apes will HODL for little apes.
You gotta do what you gotta do. Sounds like you’re at pretty extreme levels already and you’ve held off for a long time.