posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +40 / -0

Today is Sunday, August 25 2024

And there is a Presidential Election coming up in November 2024,

And there have been many twists and turns.

Joe Biden -Dem was in it to win it,

And was apparently forced out in a coup by other Dems,

After an AI generated debate on CNN between Trump and Biden,

Where Trump was portrayed as fit and sharp,

And Biden was portrayed as a dementia patient.

And then Joe Biden supposedly resigned with a tweet,

And has endorsed VPOTUS Kamala Harris -Dem for POTUS

The DNC decided Kamala Harris was the DEM candidate;

In spite of Kamala never getting a single vote from any rank and file voter

Over the last week or so, Kamala Harris has come under intense scrutiny from millions of ordinary everyday Americans,

And what tbey are saying, is unanamous…

Kamala Harris has a serious drinking problem!

Everyone in the world right now is having a light bulb go off in their head kind of momement, where they say

“AH HA! Kamala is NOT STUPID!! … Kamala is DRUNK!!!… THAT explains a lot!”

And a million alcoholics step forward and say yes this is the behavor of a person under the influence of alcohol…

And these are supposed to be serious events!

Like public speaking, intervieww, etc

Apparently Kamala likea to have a drink or three before she does any kind of performance,

Stage fright.

I get it.I feel the same way.

The more drinks i have in me, the better i dance! Im sure my critics would agree

But Kamala is interviewing for POTUS job,

And Kamala OBVIOUSLY has a serious drinking problem

Kamala needs to address her drinking problem allegations

Kamala needs intervention.

Kamala needs REHAB

Kamala needs to drop out of the race

Kamala needs tender, loving care,

Kamala needs our thoughts and prayers!

But what Kamala doesn’t need is…

the nuclear codes,

The keys to the oval office

The keys to a car

The keys to our future

Kamala is a CLOWN

KAMALA will make DC a CIRCUS

Trump is sober,


and ready to lead

While Kamala needs another drink

In the meantime, the FACT CHECKERS have come along to debunk these heinous allegations about Kamala’s drinking problem,

Which of course just give it another 24 hours on the news cycle…

So, today i checked GOOGLE NEWS for Kamala’d drinking problem,

and lo and behold there is a strong and growing body of content dedicated to this importanr topic



Keep this in the news cycle each week!

Revisit this topic every sunday night, so its trending monday morning.

Theres already countless AI generated memes of Kamala drinking

Force the debate by asking if gov health insurance plans like Kamala’s cover alcoholism treatment,

And if not; then why not?

Also, allegedly Kamala had a very high turn-over rate among her staff, like 92% or something.

NOBODY wanted to work FOR her.

Shes in way over her head.

She is talking ahout price controls

instead of ending the fed and abolishing usury

Dems need a new candidate, and FAST!!!

Kamala isnt going to make it, if she has any cameras on her at all…

Her handlers also know this.

So they keep her off-camera

Kamala Harris has a serious drinking problem,,, pass it on!


. #BettyFord4KamalaHarris