Ironically part of the psyop is using their terminology against them to hack their brain. Their mind slams shut when it sees "Republic(an)" but opens wide when it sees "democracy". So with a wink we say Trump will save democracy.
WE know when we say the word we're choosing to use the common definition "rule by the people through elected representatives" and not "mob rule". But the magic word is like a scalpel we can easily use to slice through their media and academia programming, open their skull, and pour in some truth and common sense.
It's for their own good—and the good of our Republic! ;)
Ironically part of the psyop is using their terminology against them to hack their brain. Their mind slams shut when it sees "Republic(an)" but opens wide when it sees "democracy". So with a wink we say Trump will save democracy.
WE know when we say the word we're choosing to use the common definition "rule by the people through elected representatives" and not "mob rule". But the magic word is like a scalpel we can easily use to slice through their media and academia programming, open their skull, and pour in some truth and common sense.
It's for their own good—and the good of our Republic! ;)