I'm not a lawyer, nor do I try to play on on the interwebs. Yet I've got a question. Could not these 24 Attorneys General be held liable for collution? Getting together to file an enmass lawsuit seems to be colluding to get what you want. Would it not be "better" to do so singlely?
Global warming is a 40 year fraud. All policies based on this fiction are meaningless and expensive.
The ONLY Methane Gas that NEEDS to be reduced is in the EPA...They are nothing but GAS BAGS!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I'm not a lawyer, nor do I try to play on on the interwebs. Yet I've got a question. Could not these 24 Attorneys General be held liable for collution? Getting together to file an enmass lawsuit seems to be colluding to get what you want. Would it not be "better" to do so singlely?
The are cooperating on a non-criminal action.