Sure, the DS is at it again; churning out their virus scares (real or imagined it's all the same outcome); erection year propaganda and projection; global economic turmoil; the looming thread of war. The list goes on and on and on.
That said, with all the recent habbenings and absolute tactical nuke-level proofs popping out of the woodwork on a weekly basis, despite all of the aforementioned, my doom levels are at an all-time low. Sure, the days will come where the voice of despair and defeat still find a way to creep in. The psyops will still fly at us fast and furious, attacking our mind, body and soul. Yet, it's comforting to still feel a spark of hope and optimism within myself regarding the future of our country and the world.
Probably the biggest thing is knowing that God has my back above it all. That is the best part about it. And when dark is inevitably turned to light, little by little, I'll be glad to have stuck with Him in the end. I do feel the best is yet to come!
God Bless all of us Frens!
I mostly ignore all the day-to-day political BS. On the way home tonight, I told my wife that this is one thing keeping me comfortable. The other is that I KNOW the outcome of it all in broad strokes: The Good Guys win and the world is changed for the better.
We are AT the leading edge of the Tipping Point, I believe, meaning that NCSWIC now even if/when the Bad Guys pull MAJOR and Unexpected shit (which of course they will).
Things will start moving faster and faster now. The avalanche is just beginning, but it HAS begun -- and when have you ever heard of anyone STOPPING AN IN-PROGRESS AVALANCHE?
So yeah: I'm pretty comfy. I don't know how much or what kind of damage will be created along the way, but when the avalanche finishes and the snow-cloud at the bottom of the hill fades away, it'll be a new and better world. Years of following what's going on tells me this, and there is more evidence for it every day.