"They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control."
The majority of white women voted for Trump.
It's amazing how the DS is orchestrating this anti women campaign telling you to blame women for all the things they themselves did. And everyone is falling for it. It's a genius psyop. But I thought we were smarter than to fall for it.
This is the argument I always hear on these sites. That women are too emotional to have rights. But the claim itself isn't rational. It's a logical fallacy and it specifically goes against what Q tells us over and over again that these attempts at division are psyops. This one is popular among certain sorts of men because it tells them what they want to hear. Confirmation bias.
It’s not an attempt at division or denying anyone rights. It’s a valid conclusion based on a long history of observation, including many women themselves admitting as much, including my wife.
Which is why they keep trying to program men to "be in touch with their feelings" they want us to be emotional as women so they can use the same manipulation methods on us.
Men are already pretty in tune with their emotions. They always have been. The difference was always that men could set aside their emotions to get the job done, e.g. be professional when needed or otherwise focus on the task at hand.
The problem isn't men becoming "more in touch with their feelings", but rather that they have programmed men to crave and seek attention for making them the focus, which is where human conformity starts to come into play.
My wife often says women shouldn’t vote because they act too readily on emotion.
"They want you divided. Divided by religion. Divided by sex. Divided by political affiliation. Divided by class. When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers]. Divided you are weak. Divided you pose no threat to their control."
The majority of white women voted for Trump.
It's amazing how the DS is orchestrating this anti women campaign telling you to blame women for all the things they themselves did. And everyone is falling for it. It's a genius psyop. But I thought we were smarter than to fall for it.
They want you divided.
Well she’s not wrong. Women are way too emotional and act on those emotions.
This is the argument I always hear on these sites. That women are too emotional to have rights. But the claim itself isn't rational. It's a logical fallacy and it specifically goes against what Q tells us over and over again that these attempts at division are psyops. This one is popular among certain sorts of men because it tells them what they want to hear. Confirmation bias.
It’s not an attempt at division or denying anyone rights. It’s a valid conclusion based on a long history of observation, including many women themselves admitting as much, including my wife.
Which is why they keep trying to program men to "be in touch with their feelings" they want us to be emotional as women so they can use the same manipulation methods on us.
Men are already pretty in tune with their emotions. They always have been. The difference was always that men could set aside their emotions to get the job done, e.g. be professional when needed or otherwise focus on the task at hand.
The problem isn't men becoming "more in touch with their feelings", but rather that they have programmed men to crave and seek attention for making them the focus, which is where human conformity starts to come into play.
Men have plenty of emotions they act on as well.
Maybe she does, but not all women do.