This will be a very unpopular opinion here… but those freak liberals that want abortions - I’m alright with that because it prevents more potential freak liberals from existing. I understand the argument but the reality is, the majority of abortion seekers typically aren’t your best “parent material” in the first place.
Try living in Los Angeles where it’s Mexican gang banger breeding endless amounts of Mexican gang bangers… these kids have absolutely ZERO chance of graduating top of their class at Harvard or Yale.
This will be a very unpopular opinion here… but those freak liberals that want abortions - I’m alright with that because it prevents more potential freak liberals from existing. I understand the argument but the reality is, the majority of abortion seekers typically aren’t your best “parent material” in the first place.
nah man. Youve got to think better than that.
My father was a homeless drug addict. Should I inherit his sins as well?
Liberals can give birth to reasonable children. Every Child is apart of Gods plan. Even the liberals. Id never wish them death, let alone a baby.
Try living in Los Angeles where it’s Mexican gang banger breeding endless amounts of Mexican gang bangers… these kids have absolutely ZERO chance of graduating top of their class at Harvard or Yale.