This is so important. WW2 is the founding myth of the current world order of the synagogue of Satan. From world war 2 they get:
The United States was justified in killing its enemies and thus has a right to rule today.
Hitler is the original sin of white people (if that doesn’t work pivot to slavery, mostly controlled by the synagogue of Satan, but we’ll ignore that for now.)
Because of Hitler and the Holocaust we must: A. Always support Israel because they are a persecuted people who need a homeland. B. White people can never be ethnocentric because White people being ethnocentric always leads to anti semetism and the Holocaust. (Ignore that the synagogue of Satan is incredibly ethnocentric, see point A.)
Long story short, look at the Albert Pike letters, Jews played both sides (they funded Hitler’s rise, and
Imperial Russia’s collapse, America’s rise, England’s collapse), and if you fund both sides you control who wins no matter who does so. They also love it because it’s a satanic sacrifice of Christians and they hardly have to lift a finger and they manage to consolidate more money in their power. They also get rid of the most ethnocentric and strongest amongst us, a win on all sides in their mind. They also control our history through our history books, see Ghislane Maxwell’s dad was involved in McGraw-Hill (obviously Mossad). So because they control our past, they control our future. We have to take back our past.
Edit: oh yeah, and specifically regarding Churchill, he went bankrupt after WW1 and was owned by Jewish bankers after that.
Edit2: They’re freaking out because their lies are being exposed and as such their stranglehold on the world order is collapsing.
Ethnocentrism is simply loving oneself, one’s family, community, state and country in that order. It seems to be scrubbed from the internet but one of those old Greek philosophers says “Democracy requires homogeneity, because when foreigners are introduced the society lacks the necessary phila (one of the Greek’s words for love) to function.”
Here’s a quote from Aristotle that I managed to find:
“It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition”
So where we’re at now is that the society is ruled by Jews. Jews hate the American populace because by and large they are Anglo Saxon and Christian. Jews also think that promoting diversity in the society will make the general populace focus on other problems than them, and for the most part that’s true. If the rest of your society is diverse, you have no standing to call them out for being diverse.
While ethnocentrism may not have worked in the long run for us that doesn’t mean that it can’t hold a society long enough to create great wonders like Egypt, Greece, Rome and many of the modern nations. Most of these problems are elucidated in Sir John Glubb’s life cycle of empires. Another good work on the effect of heterogeneity on humans is Robert Putnam’s E Pluribus Unum paper.
Ultimately I think humanity is growing up, and eliminating those who constantly set each other against ourselves will go a long way to creating a better world.
This is so important. WW2 is the founding myth of the current world order of the synagogue of Satan. From world war 2 they get:
The United States was justified in killing its enemies and thus has a right to rule today.
Hitler is the original sin of white people (if that doesn’t work pivot to slavery, mostly controlled by the synagogue of Satan, but we’ll ignore that for now.)
Because of Hitler and the Holocaust we must: A. Always support Israel because they are a persecuted people who need a homeland. B. White people can never be ethnocentric because White people being ethnocentric always leads to anti semetism and the Holocaust. (Ignore that the synagogue of Satan is incredibly ethnocentric, see point A.)
Long story short, look at the Albert Pike letters, Jews played both sides (they funded Hitler’s rise, and Imperial Russia’s collapse, America’s rise, England’s collapse), and if you fund both sides you control who wins no matter who does so. They also love it because it’s a satanic sacrifice of Christians and they hardly have to lift a finger and they manage to consolidate more money in their power. They also get rid of the most ethnocentric and strongest amongst us, a win on all sides in their mind. They also control our history through our history books, see Ghislane Maxwell’s dad was involved in McGraw-Hill (obviously Mossad). So because they control our past, they control our future. We have to take back our past.
Edit: oh yeah, and specifically regarding Churchill, he went bankrupt after WW1 and was owned by Jewish bankers after that.
Edit2: They’re freaking out because their lies are being exposed and as such their stranglehold on the world order is collapsing.
Yes but being ethnic centric will never work long term anyways.
Once freedom of choice comes into play. Human beings will always seek to do what makes them personally happy.
They won’t care about the ethnic group. They will care about their family and themselves first.
Over time… the people who are the most ethnic centric will always die out.
Simply because they will always become the most authoritarian!
How else can you force millions of people to have the same passions and desires as each other.
Racial and ethnic pride will always fail. Due to what it takes to make millions of people to passionately care that much.
Most people will not care too much about their ethnicity and roots.
Most people just want to live life and experience happiness in the world.
Such as travel, camping, boating, dining, etc.
Ethnocentrism is simply loving oneself, one’s family, community, state and country in that order. It seems to be scrubbed from the internet but one of those old Greek philosophers says “Democracy requires homogeneity, because when foreigners are introduced the society lacks the necessary phila (one of the Greek’s words for love) to function.”
Here’s a quote from Aristotle that I managed to find: “It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are enemies, but aliens will offer no opposition”
So where we’re at now is that the society is ruled by Jews. Jews hate the American populace because by and large they are Anglo Saxon and Christian. Jews also think that promoting diversity in the society will make the general populace focus on other problems than them, and for the most part that’s true. If the rest of your society is diverse, you have no standing to call them out for being diverse.
While ethnocentrism may not have worked in the long run for us that doesn’t mean that it can’t hold a society long enough to create great wonders like Egypt, Greece, Rome and many of the modern nations. Most of these problems are elucidated in Sir John Glubb’s life cycle of empires. Another good work on the effect of heterogeneity on humans is Robert Putnam’s E Pluribus Unum paper.
Ultimately I think humanity is growing up, and eliminating those who constantly set each other against ourselves will go a long way to creating a better world.
Edit: found the first quote, Aristotle on democracy, diversity and Philia:
Well said.
"Muh diversity" has been promoted by jews for the purpose of destroying the White race through miscegenation (race mixing).
Muhammad Ali said it well:
"You're a hater of your people if you don't want to stay who you are."
“Diversity is our strength” is the greatest lie of our modern age and such a hard frame for us to break because the programming is so strong.