This is about more than just FBI infiltration, it's also about school employee stupidity.
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They literally give you the id of the device that is assigned to an FIB agent?
You geofence a tight radius around an FBI office. You see a device pop up ~200x in a year. You have high confidence anything meeting that criteria is an FBI phone. But maybe it's the guy who owns the Chinese restaurant across the street or something.
So you take those suspects and now you buy their location data. And you see 3/4 of them show up at other FBI offices across the country. Chinese restaurant guy isn't going to fly to DC to cook in another restaurant next to the FBI building. But who would? An FBI agent.
The FBI-affiliated devices are simply devices that frequent known FBI locations. They could be agents’ personal phones. They could be informants. They could be an agent’s wife dropping off their lunch. It could be a DoorDash driver dropping off lunch for FBI guys, and also dropping off dinner at the shooter’s house.
Kind of seems like a security risk, but then again I feel like we've been saying this for years.