To see the post in the original thread, click the 618840
The original post displays in the original board with numerous other referenced posts. Each of those posts can be viewed by touching with the mouse or clicking on them to open them, BUT it's easier - and more interesting (because it gives you the "conversation" that was had and research that was done around the drops when they dropped) - to view the post within the thread. To do so:
Scroll to the top of the page
Find and check/tick the "Tree view" box
Go to "Find in page" in your browser
Enter 618840
Use the up and down arrows to the right in the search bar to go to the post (In this case, the 618840 post is #1 of 5, and the post will be colored, usually pink)
The post will appear within the thread (and most of the reference #s will make sense as they're the preceding and subsequent posts in the thread, plus a couple/few others that were used by "bakers" to aggregate "notable" posts in the grouping of ~750 posts being displayed).
Good to know, thanks for all the replies ❤️❤️
If you want to view the thread,
Go to
Enter 939 in the "Drop number" box
Click the looking glass
The Q drop displays
To see the post in the original thread, click the 618840
The original post displays in the original board with numerous other referenced posts. Each of those posts can be viewed by touching with the mouse or clicking on them to open them, BUT it's easier - and more interesting (because it gives you the "conversation" that was had and research that was done around the drops when they dropped) - to view the post within the thread. To do so:
Scroll to the top of the page
Find and check/tick the "Tree view" box
Go to "Find in page" in your browser
Enter 618840
Use the up and down arrows to the right in the search bar to go to the post (In this case, the 618840 post is #1 of 5, and the post will be colored, usually pink)
The post will appear within the thread (and most of the reference #s will make sense as they're the preceding and subsequent posts in the thread, plus a couple/few others that were used by "bakers" to aggregate "notable" posts in the grouping of ~750 posts being displayed).
cool tip