151 Telegram CEO Durov has issued a statement, and it's enlightening criminal it greatly expands the perspective of just how far of an overreach France's arrest really was (twitter.com) 🇫🇷 FROG SCUMBAGS 🤮 posted 103 days ago by catsfive 103 days ago by catsfive +151 / -0 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
My response/photo of train of thoughts..
I believe Pavel was allowing people to communicate and send child porn and aid in human trafficking.
Children MUST be protected. If this is the true reason, I believe he had means to know it was going on, and he couldve stopped it.
But now he plays dumb "we have a tip line!!"
Not only child porn but also permitted if not actively engaged in money laundering.
sounds more like meta