Careful... sounds like a scam to me. The only votes that should count are in person on election day, and counting has to stop the moment polls close. Otherwise it's just open season for fraud. Where are you getting this? It looks like someone trying to take away your vote
THIS x fucking 1000. I'm so fucking tired of ELECTION SEASON. This damn country needs to go back to VOTER ID-CARD-BACKED ELECTION DAY in the first week of November. This is bullshit.
Exactly no excuses. In person with proof of citizenship and vote. Military can be absentee. For disabled seniors we can have volunteers arrange to bring them to the booth or have bipartisan volunteers bring ballots to nursing homes.
Definitely not bipartisan- Democrats should be dissolved after the election- and I'm not convinced by the military exemption (I think of them as the paedophilitary...) but otherwise 100% agreed.
Careful... sounds like a scam to me. The only votes that should count are in person on election day, and counting has to stop the moment polls close. Otherwise it's just open season for fraud. Where are you getting this? It looks like someone trying to take away your vote
THIS x fucking 1000. I'm so fucking tired of ELECTION SEASON. This damn country needs to go back to VOTER ID-CARD-BACKED ELECTION DAY in the first week of November. This is bullshit.
100%. There are voting hours on an election day nothing else counts
Exactly no excuses. In person with proof of citizenship and vote. Military can be absentee. For disabled seniors we can have volunteers arrange to bring them to the booth or have bipartisan volunteers bring ballots to nursing homes.
Definitely not bipartisan- Democrats should be dissolved after the election- and I'm not convinced by the military exemption (I think of them as the paedophilitary...) but otherwise 100% agreed.
Of course not, I don't trust either. I'm talking about the only constitutional way to vote or count votes.
Legally counting votes is demonstrably impossible (and has never worked) which is why we should move away from elections as a source of power