Good read. Deep State appears to have issued orders to Merchan to "standown" on sentencing due to the countermoves that were in play. I suspect that the unsealing of 9.6K indictments and the takedown of the NY Chinese spy network in retaliation for the Sep 18 sentencing threat also got their attention.
Do you really want to go there on September 18, bitches? We'll unseal another 10K indictments and make more arrests.
-DOJ (good twin side)
Note that Merchan or NY associates were very likely in that latest sealed indictment batch (receipt of emoluments from a foreign power is cause for citizenship stripping), and she was probably forced to sign a "deferred prosecution agreement" [in this case the indictment remains sealed] as part of the deal (like Zuckerberg is suspected to have done to avoid life in prison for his crimes, including election interference).
Maybe they caught on the idea of making Trump SotH as a counter move to being taken into custody.
Good read. Deep State appears to have issued orders to Merchan to "standown" on sentencing due to the countermoves that were in play. I suspect that the unsealing of 9.6K indictments and the takedown of the NY Chinese spy network in retaliation for the Sep 18 sentencing threat also got their attention.
-DOJ (good twin side)
Note that Merchan or NY associates were very likely in that latest sealed indictment batch (receipt of emoluments from a foreign power is cause for citizenship stripping), and she was probably forced to sign a "deferred prosecution agreement" [in this case the indictment remains sealed] as part of the deal (like Zuckerberg is suspected to have done to avoid life in prison for his crimes, including election interference).