posted ago by Jamezelo ago by Jamezelo +32 / -0

I only do this and call it music

cause it's therapeutic..

and life can be a nuisance

I do it till it ends, I do it for my frens

like u/Trump4evergirl that thought she'd never like a rapper

But she knows it aint fake like their crisis actors

Callin me some valiant shit like "talented"

I need that, cause some days I think it won't amount to shit

bad place for the "shits" like i'm poopin at the party

That's why it's NSFW, I'm Ricky Im Sorry

If you don't get that, it's from Trailer Park Boys

If you know about Sunnyvale make some noise

Cause he's in court and of course can't stop cussin

It's funny, but if you aint seen it - all that means nothin

Back in the days before USA was even a thought

I'd probably be one of the philosophers they forgot

So even if with every new Fren I get 2 haters

I don't care, this page is my daily newspaper

I'm just the comic relief like Garfield

So shout out to those like u/ashlanddog that give it you raw

the real players on our field