41 Most people have no idea that “The Summit of the Future” will create UN 2.0 this September 22nd & 23rd. THE UNITED NATIONS WANTS MORE CONTROL OVER OVER THE WORLD. (citizenwatchreport.com) posted 147 days ago by TinkAnon 147 days ago by TinkAnon +41 / -0 Most People Have No Idea That “The Summit Of The Future” Will Create “UN 2.0” On September 22nd And 23rd 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This is why they have a hard on for trying to disarm us.
Get F*cked
Interesting. That’s the position of the W.H.O. and the many UN peace keepers that abuse children for their own pleasure.
Yeah but the difference is, We, The People, don't engage in and put up with that bs... we've got 7.62 reasons to arrange a meeting between them and the Creator.
Here is the pdf on the agenda. https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/our-common-agenda-summit-of-the-future-what-would-it-deliver.pdf
Pure tyrannical evil
That’ll be a no from me.