I'm very aware of this. It took a turn for the worst when the American Medical Association was purchased by a Rockefeller. The medical field has been fucked up for the last hundred years since. Same deal with our education once Ghislane Maxwell's father became the exclusive person selling textbooks to schools.
Well now you know why the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those bringing attention to what's actually going on. The more shit I learn the more I like jumping on the trampoline with my nieces and taking my dog to the river. I went full atheist for many years until I discovered how sinister and dark this world is. Every giggle from those little girls painting my toenails and stick my dog swims out of the river with is a blessing.
I'm very aware of this. It took a turn for the worst when the American Medical Association was purchased by a Rockefeller. The medical field has been fucked up for the last hundred years since. Same deal with our education once Ghislane Maxwell's father became the exclusive person selling textbooks to schools.
Holy shit! I had no idea about this. The same Rockefeller family that created the marketing scheme that oil was a finite resource??? Figures eh?
Yup. Same guy who coined the phrase "fossil fuel".
It’s amazing I learned about all that just a year or so ago. Freaking crazy how actual conspiracies have been hidden so well.
Well now you know why the CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theory" to discredit those bringing attention to what's actually going on. The more shit I learn the more I like jumping on the trampoline with my nieces and taking my dog to the river. I went full atheist for many years until I discovered how sinister and dark this world is. Every giggle from those little girls painting my toenails and stick my dog swims out of the river with is a blessing.