CORRECT, even SPERM ITSELF (no fetus) has big effects!!!!!
Not too many scientists feel welcome on GA, but I owe it to the community to chime in and say this post is correct.
Weird cell changes from mere sperm effects exist.
Females with NO sons and in fact no embryos of any kind EVER, have DNA in their bodies and brains from Men's SPERM ALONE!!!!
10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females PROVEN to have male DNA in their bodies in large numbers of cells : sperm DNA up to 20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females from unprotected sex !: refer :
The weird mystery RNA fragments delivered by sperm is only now first being mapped, to determine which RNA payloads express proteins and genes and what they might do in invaded primate tissues :
Sperm RNAs, in particular sperm microRNAs (miRNAs) and tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), can mediate intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired phenotypes [epigenetics]
2015 : Semen has controlling power over female genes and behaviour
paper- 2019 - Nongenetic paternal effects via seminal fluid:
Our findings cast doubt on traditional breeding designs aimed at estimating the genetic effects of fathers on offspring, and challenge our views on the nature of inheritance.
I have read that women will carry a mans DNA with her for the rest of her life, and men do not carry any woman's DNA with them. It made me think of women who are promiscuous and sleep with a lot of men, or a lot of bad men. These women are messed up. I wonder if carrying all the DNA of those men effects them in all aspects. And not in a positive way.
I theorize with the vaccines, they have either female or male genetic DNA in them. What if a little baby boy who gets his shots and 80 percent of those shots have female DNA, would that also effect him? We are living in Mengele times.
WOW! even aborted children......
CORRECT, even SPERM ITSELF (no fetus) has big effects!!!!!
Not too many scientists feel welcome on GA, but I owe it to the community to chime in and say this post is correct.
Weird cell changes from mere sperm effects exist.
Females with NO sons and in fact no embryos of any kind EVER, have DNA in their bodies and brains from Men's SPERM ALONE!!!!
10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females PROVEN to have male DNA in their bodies in large numbers of cells : sperm DNA up to 20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females from unprotected sex !: refer :
and 2012 other :
The weird mystery RNA fragments delivered by sperm is only now first being mapped, to determine which RNA payloads express proteins and genes and what they might do in invaded primate tissues :
Why do sperm carry RNA? Relatedness, conflict, and control:
2018 : The sperm factor: paternal impact beyond genes:
2016 : Epigenetic inheritance of acquired traits through sperm RNAs and sperm RNA modifications:
2015 : Semen has controlling power over female genes and behaviour
Revisiting telegony: Offspring inherit an acquired characteristic of their mother's previous mate:'s_previous_mate
Microchimerism of male origin in a cohort of Danish girls
Women Store DNA From Every Man Theyβve Ever Made Love With, Study Finds
paper- 2019 - Nongenetic paternal effects via seminal fluid:
= = = = = = =
TL/DR : OP video is factual, but RNA from mere sperm is just as alarming
I have read that women will carry a mans DNA with her for the rest of her life, and men do not carry any woman's DNA with them. It made me think of women who are promiscuous and sleep with a lot of men, or a lot of bad men. These women are messed up. I wonder if carrying all the DNA of those men effects them in all aspects. And not in a positive way.
I theorize with the vaccines, they have either female or male genetic DNA in them. What if a little baby boy who gets his shots and 80 percent of those shots have female DNA, would that also effect him? We are living in Mengele times.