That is probably the most racist and disgusting comment I have ever read on this site. Someone’s looks have nothing to do with their gender and different nationalities have different physical features that may not be attractive in other nationalities. It does no one any good to promote hate, and division based on a visual appearance assumption! You should be ashamed of yourself for your comments. Not sure why I even bothered to engage with you, other than to tell you that you don’t belong on this site.
LMAO OK. It's a short sharp fall from there to thinking some pink haired bearded muscly dude is a woman because IT puts on a dress, or that somehow these pet-eating monsters should be welcomed with open arms and allowed to displace decent, God Fearing, real people, in other words, LIBERALISM.
That is a man, and you won't convince me otherwise
Maybe think a little more deeply before firing off that sort of comment - personally, I would not want to be on the side of arguing that God made mistakes.
Quote from the father:
What a heartless thing to be thinking right after you've lost a child. /boggle
Probably because IT kidnapped them.... like that could have children...
What proof do you have that she is not a female and why would you jump to that conclusion?
I mean... look at it. It's pretty obvious
There have been few if any genuine female atheletes ever, never mind at the Stanic Olympics
That is probably the most racist and disgusting comment I have ever read on this site. Someone’s looks have nothing to do with their gender and different nationalities have different physical features that may not be attractive in other nationalities. It does no one any good to promote hate, and division based on a visual appearance assumption! You should be ashamed of yourself for your comments. Not sure why I even bothered to engage with you, other than to tell you that you don’t belong on this site.
LMAO OK. It's a short sharp fall from there to thinking some pink haired bearded muscly dude is a woman because IT puts on a dress, or that somehow these pet-eating monsters should be welcomed with open arms and allowed to displace decent, God Fearing, real people, in other words, LIBERALISM.
That is a man, and you won't convince me otherwise
Maybe you don't belong here.
Kind of funny; what an absolute shit hole africa is. Just a shit hole filled with shitty people. Fuck, why does that continent exist?
Maybe think a little more deeply before firing off that sort of comment - personally, I would not want to be on the side of arguing that God made mistakes.
Hey, you're the one labeling them a "mistake" I think they're shitty savages by design.
God makes no mistakes, but punishes sinners and their descendants. Africans are not Christians... the Mark of Cain is upon them
I've heard that theory but nothing yet to back it up scripturally. Were they around before Babel was blown apart?
It won't by the end of the year :-D