weed taught me how to deal with my anxiety. it's a medicine. i've since quit, but if it's increasing your anxiety, that's only a sign that its a medicine you can benefit from. not to rely on, but definitely to learn from.
It makes no difference, weed is Satanic. There is literally no difference between using weed as a ritual anxiety cleanser and killing and eating a cat to gain Satanic power like the Africans. Either way, the cost is your soul. You should stop using all medicine and pray instead
Folks, the trends thing especially shows that GETTING RID OF SMOKE IS IN FACT NOT 'improving' ANYONE's health. Those are NOT BY ANY STRETCH OF IMAGINATION 'cause and effect' relationships!!!! They LIE LIE LIE about our health. I put on the bottom of both of those posters EXACTLY WHY I am SO HOT about this issue. I LOVED my parents, and I watched BOTH of them suffer for DECADES the ILL HEALTH effects of their QUITTING smoking. MY dad's WEIGHT killed him about ten years AFTER he quit smoking (when he was almost 80). He's actually WON A TENNIS TOURNAMENT when he was almost 70, as a 50+ YEAR TWO PACK OF KENTS - weren't THOSE the ones in the Rose Cipalone case, with the ASBESTOS FILTERS??? - a DAY plus he smoked a PIPE. Oh, it was an amateur tournament (he was a retired engineer) - but in LOS ANGELES, so it was BIG and very competitive. He had put on some weight as he got older, but he was FIT. Then he remarried an antismoker, and he quit. I WATCHED him spend the REST OF HIS LIFE hardly able to WALK, let alone play tennis, DUE TO THE WEIGHT he gained after quitting. BTW, his new younger NEVER smoker wife kicked the bucket about 5 YEARS before he did.
And, everywhere I go, and talk to folks, and yes, believe it or not (those of you who have met me) I don't ONLY talk, I LISTEN FAR MORE than some realize
I won't even start about my mom, the short version is she quit at only TWENTY years old, right after I was born, and died of breast cancer at 60 (only ONE year older than I am now), after an ENTIRE ADULT LIFE spent as an INVALID (or semi-invalid) due to SEVERAL of those things on that sign!!!
Nearly everyone I LISTEN to is telling me of a parent, brother, friend, etc. whose health problems STARTED AFTER they QUIT smoking! The 'high risk' of lung cancer among smokERS actually IS NOT among smokers, but among EXsmokers. For at least forty YEARS these so called 'studies' have LUMPED smokers & EXsmokers into a SINGLE category 'EVER smokers', and they FALSELY say smokERS have a higher risk of LC, when actually the HIGHEST risk is among EXsmokers. BY the way, the DRUG companies are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
The WHOLE 'smoking isn't healthy' bit is EVERY BIT AS PHONY as the 'humans are causing global warming' thing. And watch and listen, the climate change hoax is borrowing ALL the SAME tactics, and even using the SAME RHETORIC as the anti-smoking hoax. Yes, you are ADDICTED to OIL - you are BAD (demonize those who turn up their thermostats in winter because they don't want their babies to freeze, etc), then JUSTIFY EXTORTION every time someone turns on a light switch, justify adding EXTORTION to the price of a gallon of gas, etc. BOTH hoaxes (anti-smoking AND 'climate change) are JUSTIFIED NOT by 'mountains' of 'science', but by MOUNTAINS of JUNK 'science'. These EVIL people are PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATING every one of us, and UNTIL the TRUTH comes out they WILL CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT. In the case of anti-smoking, if you follow the MONEY as some of us have, you will find the PHARMACEUTICAL industry financing and driving it. If you follow the $$$$$$ on the 'climate change' hoax, you will find GE as well as some very big politicians (many who are invested in SELLING CARBON CREDITS - INCLUDING BARAK OBAMA, and of course Al Gore) behind that.
EVERY ONE of US must find out the truth, and promote THAT, or WE ARE STILL PART OF THE PROBLEM.
It should be well known that there IS such a thing as the Placebo effect. There is ALSO a NOcebo effect - yes, some SMOKERS GET SICK JUST BECAUSE they've been told over and over and over again that smoking is making them sick. Our minds and bodies ARE WIRED together. Folks tell me all the time how much better they feel because they quit smoking. OF COURSE they do, they are feeling a PLACEBO effect. Can't tell you how much better I FEEL since I learned smoke is mostly WATER VAPOR, and the pics of supposedly black 'smoker's' lungs are actually COAL MINER'S BLACK LUNG DISEASE (or sometimes DOCTORED PIG'S lungs) : )))) NEWS FLASH - if you smoke, you MIGHT have 'black lungs' IF YOU'RE ALSO A COAL MINER! Folks THAT sort of thing goes WAY BEYOND propaganda and disinformation. THAT is in the category of OUT RIGHT BIG FAT WHOPPING LIE FRAUD.
I can understand those who just don't 'like' to be confrontational or too controversial to want to avoid dealing with the whole 'smoking REALLY IS BAD for you' issue. But geesh, how about, if you don't want to be so controversial, just AVOID that whole subject. We should NEVER help spread the lies.
I am burning to Smoke in the Light of God and Trump
In that context, many other things could be Satanic as well. The trouble is allowing fear to dictate policy, as fear of fear leads to trouble. Satanism is stealthy and cannabis makes people prefer to initially not be stealthy. People become paranoid when they feel targeted by fear. Where fear becomes paranoia is the real theme between Good and Evil.
Youtube Prophecy Experts aka False Prophets of Today
Matthew 18 Who Is the Greatest?
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Jesus Warns of Offenses
6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
8 “If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire.
Satan’s puppets are at large on Youtube and the internet, they are supposed sheep, who are most definitely WOLVES, but speak like a sheep, but their words are poisonous and deadly. They smile as shepherds with charismatic skill, but they are most deadly and with their shepherd’s hook, they snatch away from GOD’s Flock, the weak, lazy, and baby Christians, who follow most willingly to these Serpents in Sheep’s clothing. They are Truly Not of GOD and are only self serving and glory hounds and more often Prophets for Profit, manipulating and guilting the weak minded sheep into their False Agenda !
You’ll know them by their ‘Cult’ following, by their merchandise they are selling, by their charms and cleaver snake speak, ‘Hissing’ soothing scriptural lingo into your ears, but yet making you feel guilty if you dare question them. And don’t be surprised when ‘others’ who are under these Charlatan’s spell, who come to their defense and judge you for daring to judge them, yet God tells us to test the spirits, but with a False Prophet, it’s against ‘THEIR’ rules to dare confront them with the truth, to test them, though commanded by GOD, you are labeled a false christian for judging them, even though they are blatantly wrong and causing sin upon the masses.
Don’t be fooled PEOPLE,,, The False Prophets of Today, use every manipulative angle they can on you. They will throw scripture at you, desperate to NOT BE EXPOSED. Just as Satan tempted our beloved Savior, the Son of GOD, don’t kid yourselves, JESUS is GOD, Satan had no power over him, BUT Satan is more powerful then us and he’s influenced these seemingly so called godly prophecy experts, ( who often claim they never set dates, don’t call themselves prophets, but sure allow others to label them as such and they don’t rebuke them for it either, of course not, it’s part of the false agenda ).
They will use today modern technology in ways to Bolden their False Agendas, like with computer programs, that map the stars and planets, mixing Astrology (which is a sin, sorcery, divination, zodiac signs,etc.) Stellarium is the popular one being used now to promote theories of these Frauds, much like the recent Sept 23rd Rev 12 Great Sign, which was a Hoax and Non-Event, False Sign created by these wicked men and women today who are fleecing the flock.
Oh by the way, there is more to this False Agenda as of late, There are other great signs suppose to happen as well and even great is the fact, that many of these False Prophets and so called Prophecy Experts who have a HISTORY of being Wrong, Years of being Wrong (yet many excuse them ) The Latest is, that the Jubilee Year, is off by one month, so What was suppose to happen in September, is actually going to happen now in October, still the same great sign/hoax, but a month later, they just conveniently make another (ANOTHER) oops, so it’s this month now instead—. The Rapture, is set once again for around the 21st to 23rd of October, They just can’t be sure once again— Gosh funny how a True Prophet of GOD is Absolute, 100 % on the Mark,,, yet these so called prophecy experts are always guessing, always implying they know the date, always being excuse for just being human and it was a mistake, WELL MAKE NO MISTAKE< True Prophets of GOD MAKE NO MISTAKES, PERIOD !
(to be continued) but for now, get away from these FRAUDS< you are to Expose them and have nothing more to do with them. GOD COMMANDS ! Flee from them and help your fellow weak siblings in Christ to wake up and flee as well, if they refuse, then so be it, they are as guilty and as false at their satanic puppet— Cling to God and put your faith in the One and ONLY TRUE PROPHET, JESUS our LORD AND SAVIOR !
I picked the above scripture to show what Jesus says about those who use/deceive babes in Christ, they are absolutely accountable for every baby christian and all they deceive/delude with their False Agendas, God is very clear on what awaits those who ARE False Prophets/Teachers/Preachers and so called Non-Claiming Prophets of God yet pretend to be of God and giving so called Expert Teachings, And the very false followers, who will not be corrected/rebuked, by God’s warnings, His Truths, you lazy weak and baby christian’s who so willing follow these Puppets of Satan,, you will follow them right to the very pits of the lake of fire, for your rebellion and blatant pride in not being honest and standing for the Faith, so says GOD !
weed taught me how to deal with my anxiety. it's a medicine. i've since quit, but if it's increasing your anxiety, that's only a sign that its a medicine you can benefit from. not to rely on, but definitely to learn from.
It makes no difference, weed is Satanic. There is literally no difference between using weed as a ritual anxiety cleanser and killing and eating a cat to gain Satanic power like the Africans. Either way, the cost is your soul. You should stop using all medicine and pray instead
I DO NOT want whatever you're smoking. That's for sure.
Folks, the trends thing especially shows that GETTING RID OF SMOKE IS IN FACT NOT 'improving' ANYONE's health. Those are NOT BY ANY STRETCH OF IMAGINATION 'cause and effect' relationships!!!! They LIE LIE LIE about our health. I put on the bottom of both of those posters EXACTLY WHY I am SO HOT about this issue. I LOVED my parents, and I watched BOTH of them suffer for DECADES the ILL HEALTH effects of their QUITTING smoking. MY dad's WEIGHT killed him about ten years AFTER he quit smoking (when he was almost 80). He's actually WON A TENNIS TOURNAMENT when he was almost 70, as a 50+ YEAR TWO PACK OF KENTS - weren't THOSE the ones in the Rose Cipalone case, with the ASBESTOS FILTERS??? - a DAY plus he smoked a PIPE. Oh, it was an amateur tournament (he was a retired engineer) - but in LOS ANGELES, so it was BIG and very competitive. He had put on some weight as he got older, but he was FIT. Then he remarried an antismoker, and he quit. I WATCHED him spend the REST OF HIS LIFE hardly able to WALK, let alone play tennis, DUE TO THE WEIGHT he gained after quitting. BTW, his new younger NEVER smoker wife kicked the bucket about 5 YEARS before he did.
And, everywhere I go, and talk to folks, and yes, believe it or not (those of you who have met me) I don't ONLY talk, I LISTEN FAR MORE than some realize
I won't even start about my mom, the short version is she quit at only TWENTY years old, right after I was born, and died of breast cancer at 60 (only ONE year older than I am now), after an ENTIRE ADULT LIFE spent as an INVALID (or semi-invalid) due to SEVERAL of those things on that sign!!!
Nearly everyone I LISTEN to is telling me of a parent, brother, friend, etc. whose health problems STARTED AFTER they QUIT smoking! The 'high risk' of lung cancer among smokERS actually IS NOT among smokers, but among EXsmokers. For at least forty YEARS these so called 'studies' have LUMPED smokers & EXsmokers into a SINGLE category 'EVER smokers', and they FALSELY say smokERS have a higher risk of LC, when actually the HIGHEST risk is among EXsmokers. BY the way, the DRUG companies are laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.
The WHOLE 'smoking isn't healthy' bit is EVERY BIT AS PHONY as the 'humans are causing global warming' thing. And watch and listen, the climate change hoax is borrowing ALL the SAME tactics, and even using the SAME RHETORIC as the anti-smoking hoax. Yes, you are ADDICTED to OIL - you are BAD (demonize those who turn up their thermostats in winter because they don't want their babies to freeze, etc), then JUSTIFY EXTORTION every time someone turns on a light switch, justify adding EXTORTION to the price of a gallon of gas, etc. BOTH hoaxes (anti-smoking AND 'climate change) are JUSTIFIED NOT by 'mountains' of 'science', but by MOUNTAINS of JUNK 'science'. These EVIL people are PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATING every one of us, and UNTIL the TRUTH comes out they WILL CONTINUE TO GET AWAY WITH IT. In the case of anti-smoking, if you follow the MONEY as some of us have, you will find the PHARMACEUTICAL industry financing and driving it. If you follow the $$$$$$ on the 'climate change' hoax, you will find GE as well as some very big politicians (many who are invested in SELLING CARBON CREDITS - INCLUDING BARAK OBAMA, and of course Al Gore) behind that.
EVERY ONE of US must find out the truth, and promote THAT, or WE ARE STILL PART OF THE PROBLEM.
It should be well known that there IS such a thing as the Placebo effect. There is ALSO a NOcebo effect - yes, some SMOKERS GET SICK JUST BECAUSE they've been told over and over and over again that smoking is making them sick. Our minds and bodies ARE WIRED together. Folks tell me all the time how much better they feel because they quit smoking. OF COURSE they do, they are feeling a PLACEBO effect. Can't tell you how much better I FEEL since I learned smoke is mostly WATER VAPOR, and the pics of supposedly black 'smoker's' lungs are actually COAL MINER'S BLACK LUNG DISEASE (or sometimes DOCTORED PIG'S lungs) : )))) NEWS FLASH - if you smoke, you MIGHT have 'black lungs' IF YOU'RE ALSO A COAL MINER! Folks THAT sort of thing goes WAY BEYOND propaganda and disinformation. THAT is in the category of OUT RIGHT BIG FAT WHOPPING LIE FRAUD.
I can understand those who just don't 'like' to be confrontational or too controversial to want to avoid dealing with the whole 'smoking REALLY IS BAD for you' issue. But geesh, how about, if you don't want to be so controversial, just AVOID that whole subject. We should NEVER help spread the lies.
I am burning to Smoke in the Light of God and Trump
In that context, many other things could be Satanic as well. The trouble is allowing fear to dictate policy, as fear of fear leads to trouble. Satanism is stealthy and cannabis makes people prefer to initially not be stealthy. People become paranoid when they feel targeted by fear. Where fear becomes paranoia is the real theme between Good and Evil.
Virtually everything in the world is Satanic
The solution is not fear but prayer and RAGE
Rage Against the dying of the light? Or Rage against the machine. Pray dont choose cratzy!
Seed bearing plant my guy. So it's GOD’S devils lettuce. 😂😂😂
Youtube Prophecy Experts aka False Prophets of Today
Matthew 18 Who Is the Greatest?
18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Jesus Warns of Offenses
6 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
8 “If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire.
Satan’s puppets are at large on Youtube and the internet, they are supposed sheep, who are most definitely WOLVES, but speak like a sheep, but their words are poisonous and deadly. They smile as shepherds with charismatic skill, but they are most deadly and with their shepherd’s hook, they snatch away from GOD’s Flock, the weak, lazy, and baby Christians, who follow most willingly to these Serpents in Sheep’s clothing. They are Truly Not of GOD and are only self serving and glory hounds and more often Prophets for Profit, manipulating and guilting the weak minded sheep into their False Agenda !
You’ll know them by their ‘Cult’ following, by their merchandise they are selling, by their charms and cleaver snake speak, ‘Hissing’ soothing scriptural lingo into your ears, but yet making you feel guilty if you dare question them. And don’t be surprised when ‘others’ who are under these Charlatan’s spell, who come to their defense and judge you for daring to judge them, yet God tells us to test the spirits, but with a False Prophet, it’s against ‘THEIR’ rules to dare confront them with the truth, to test them, though commanded by GOD, you are labeled a false christian for judging them, even though they are blatantly wrong and causing sin upon the masses.
Don’t be fooled PEOPLE,,, The False Prophets of Today, use every manipulative angle they can on you. They will throw scripture at you, desperate to NOT BE EXPOSED. Just as Satan tempted our beloved Savior, the Son of GOD, don’t kid yourselves, JESUS is GOD, Satan had no power over him, BUT Satan is more powerful then us and he’s influenced these seemingly so called godly prophecy experts, ( who often claim they never set dates, don’t call themselves prophets, but sure allow others to label them as such and they don’t rebuke them for it either, of course not, it’s part of the false agenda ).
They will use today modern technology in ways to Bolden their False Agendas, like with computer programs, that map the stars and planets, mixing Astrology (which is a sin, sorcery, divination, zodiac signs,etc.) Stellarium is the popular one being used now to promote theories of these Frauds, much like the recent Sept 23rd Rev 12 Great Sign, which was a Hoax and Non-Event, False Sign created by these wicked men and women today who are fleecing the flock.
Oh by the way, there is more to this False Agenda as of late, There are other great signs suppose to happen as well and even great is the fact, that many of these False Prophets and so called Prophecy Experts who have a HISTORY of being Wrong, Years of being Wrong (yet many excuse them ) The Latest is, that the Jubilee Year, is off by one month, so What was suppose to happen in September, is actually going to happen now in October, still the same great sign/hoax, but a month later, they just conveniently make another (ANOTHER) oops, so it’s this month now instead—. The Rapture, is set once again for around the 21st to 23rd of October, They just can’t be sure once again— Gosh funny how a True Prophet of GOD is Absolute, 100 % on the Mark,,, yet these so called prophecy experts are always guessing, always implying they know the date, always being excuse for just being human and it was a mistake, WELL MAKE NO MISTAKE< True Prophets of GOD MAKE NO MISTAKES, PERIOD !
(to be continued) but for now, get away from these FRAUDS< you are to Expose them and have nothing more to do with them. GOD COMMANDS ! Flee from them and help your fellow weak siblings in Christ to wake up and flee as well, if they refuse, then so be it, they are as guilty and as false at their satanic puppet— Cling to God and put your faith in the One and ONLY TRUE PROPHET, JESUS our LORD AND SAVIOR !
I picked the above scripture to show what Jesus says about those who use/deceive babes in Christ, they are absolutely accountable for every baby christian and all they deceive/delude with their False Agendas, God is very clear on what awaits those who ARE False Prophets/Teachers/Preachers and so called Non-Claiming Prophets of God yet pretend to be of God and giving so called Expert Teachings, And the very false followers, who will not be corrected/rebuked, by God’s warnings, His Truths, you lazy weak and baby christian’s who so willing follow these Puppets of Satan,, you will follow them right to the very pits of the lake of fire, for your rebellion and blatant pride in not being honest and standing for the Faith, so says GOD !