posted ago by DevilDogPede ago by DevilDogPede +33 / -0

If anyone needs this. Here are the three (thought it was more) instances the moderators "fact checked" Trump. Even their fact checks are lies.

#1 No one is eating dogs in Springhill, OH. Video: Police cam of arresting woman for eating someone's cat https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9MxC8VQrH54&t=5s&pp=ygUhc3ByaW5nZmllbGQgb2hpbyB3b21hbiBlYXRpbmcgY2F0

#2 No state attempted to allow abortion at or after birth. Video: Democrat lawmaker if Virginia bill in 2019 explaining that her bill will allow post birth abortions if pregnancy would cause mental instability to new mother. https://x.com/DelanoSquires/status/1833704525577785812?t=PEanTROQHzrsFVjENS_E6A&s=19

#3 Trump admitting he was defeated in 2020 Video: Clearly a word salad NBC interviewer Kristen Welker used trying to trick Trump saying unknowingly. Starts at 45 mark. https://youtu.be/JOCRo97NoJ8?si=getgmjWEUgkabxqS