My unjabbed 74 year old husband was diagnosed last Fall with Afib. Probably had it awhile bc he thought his symptoms of tiredness at times was from dehydration.
He’s also had high blood pressure since he was in his late twenties early thirties.
Now he did get COVID a couple of times the first time in Jan 2021. And he immediately took the Ivermectin we had in hand in case of CoVID from a online pharmacy (prescribed by a Frontline doctor).
So did COVID cause it? I’m sure those with jabs are more susceptible, too
I had covid and was never jabbed. Whatever covid is or was, it wasn't the flu.
After getting over the initial hump of illness, symptoms returned from time to time with lesser severity but bothersome nonetheless. I tried a bunch of protocols I found through GAW, but the thing that finally ended them was the nicotine patch. Shelved all the other supplements since then with no regrets. I recommend the stage 3 (lowest dose) patch wholeheartedly based on my experience. I hope this helps your husband. Feel free to research it on your own, and a good start would be using the GAW search bar for posts with the word nicotine.
For dehydration I suspect your husband is correct. He can hydrate much more effectively with a bit of sea salt, which is what nutrition and athletic stores repackage as electrolytes with higher profit margins. If interested let me know and I'll share more.
Spouse and I have gone through the same things. Both caught COVID the same time, although mine was much worse. However after I recovered, hers lingered for some time before finally resolving. We both were on Ivermectin, HCQ, numerous supplements, and other prescription meds. I strongly feel that the Ivermectin was the game changer that beat my COVID case.
About a year later my spouse started to develop nagging ear and sinus infections and she tried a number of home therapies which helped but she could always feel they were still hanging around in the background. A few months later I started to come down with the same issues and as an experiment I tried the 7mg Nicotine patches for about a week and it relieved about 90% of my problems. My spouse then tried it and got about the same result.
A couple of weeks ago I could feel my ears were starting to get “clogged” again so I restarted the Nicotine patches. Within a few days my symptoms were much better. I’m going to keep with the patches for at least a month or so to see if this will finally and completely resolve my ear problems.
I’ve come to the conclusion that both COVID and the Vax have created some kind of a perpetual spike protein factory in our bodies, although I think the Vax is a much more productive version of that hypothesis. From my understanding the Nicotine blocks the spike protein from the Ace-2 receptor in our bodies and that gives our immune system more time or opportunities to destroy it. For those that advocate the Nicotine approach, they are now recommending it be used full time as a prophylactic.
The theory that I read that for me try it, from Dr Bryan Ardis, was that the spike protein primarily lodges in the gut microbiome. That would explain some of the difficulty some people have in expelling it completely, as it results in constant reinfection by an organism that mostly stays clear of the body's immune system. But regardless of how and why it works, it worked for me, and I've felt no need to do a second course so far, and it's been a year. It's good to hear that it worked for you too. Thanks for saying so.
My unjabbed 74 year old husband was diagnosed last Fall with Afib. Probably had it awhile bc he thought his symptoms of tiredness at times was from dehydration.
He’s also had high blood pressure since he was in his late twenties early thirties.
Now he did get COVID a couple of times the first time in Jan 2021. And he immediately took the Ivermectin we had in hand in case of CoVID from a online pharmacy (prescribed by a Frontline doctor).
So did COVID cause it? I’m sure those with jabs are more susceptible, too
I had covid and was never jabbed. Whatever covid is or was, it wasn't the flu.
After getting over the initial hump of illness, symptoms returned from time to time with lesser severity but bothersome nonetheless. I tried a bunch of protocols I found through GAW, but the thing that finally ended them was the nicotine patch. Shelved all the other supplements since then with no regrets. I recommend the stage 3 (lowest dose) patch wholeheartedly based on my experience. I hope this helps your husband. Feel free to research it on your own, and a good start would be using the GAW search bar for posts with the word nicotine.
For dehydration I suspect your husband is correct. He can hydrate much more effectively with a bit of sea salt, which is what nutrition and athletic stores repackage as electrolytes with higher profit margins. If interested let me know and I'll share more.
Spouse and I have gone through the same things. Both caught COVID the same time, although mine was much worse. However after I recovered, hers lingered for some time before finally resolving. We both were on Ivermectin, HCQ, numerous supplements, and other prescription meds. I strongly feel that the Ivermectin was the game changer that beat my COVID case.
About a year later my spouse started to develop nagging ear and sinus infections and she tried a number of home therapies which helped but she could always feel they were still hanging around in the background. A few months later I started to come down with the same issues and as an experiment I tried the 7mg Nicotine patches for about a week and it relieved about 90% of my problems. My spouse then tried it and got about the same result.
A couple of weeks ago I could feel my ears were starting to get “clogged” again so I restarted the Nicotine patches. Within a few days my symptoms were much better. I’m going to keep with the patches for at least a month or so to see if this will finally and completely resolve my ear problems.
I’ve come to the conclusion that both COVID and the Vax have created some kind of a perpetual spike protein factory in our bodies, although I think the Vax is a much more productive version of that hypothesis. From my understanding the Nicotine blocks the spike protein from the Ace-2 receptor in our bodies and that gives our immune system more time or opportunities to destroy it. For those that advocate the Nicotine approach, they are now recommending it be used full time as a prophylactic.
I don't use it full time.
The theory that I read that for me try it, from Dr Bryan Ardis, was that the spike protein primarily lodges in the gut microbiome. That would explain some of the difficulty some people have in expelling it completely, as it results in constant reinfection by an organism that mostly stays clear of the body's immune system. But regardless of how and why it works, it worked for me, and I've felt no need to do a second course so far, and it's been a year. It's good to hear that it worked for you too. Thanks for saying so.