A couple of the biggest "tells" are that 1) all those who are "in the know" keep buying ocean-front property (and pay big $ to do so) and 2) real estate contracts make NO mention of rising water levels
Plymouth Rock. Even thought it's not really the rock, it's been there for a while. Looks exactly the same. Not even all the mega tankers, cruise ships, and Navies couldn't displace enough water to move it an inch.
Very good. Funny how the "rising sea levels" have not moved the shore inland one square inch.
A couple of the biggest "tells" are that 1) all those who are "in the know" keep buying ocean-front property (and pay big $ to do so) and 2) real estate contracts make NO mention of rising water levels
Welp. That explains why the elites still want ocean front property.
Plymouth Rock. Even thought it's not really the rock, it's been there for a while. Looks exactly the same. Not even all the mega tankers, cruise ships, and Navies couldn't displace enough water to move it an inch.
Wow. There was nothing but an empty field in the 80s. What a shame how built up everything is & so quickly.
I was expecting a video with a still image.