Hello, this is a write up on my thoughts as to what we're up against. This isn't all my observations, but I had some trouble organizing my thoughts, so I might post an updated version later. Questions are appreciated. TL;DR at the end
Throughout our evolutionarily history, our ancestors encountered numerous existential threats. Natural predators, out of all threats, are the worst to encounter.
The role a predator plays in its environment is that of population control. As a prey organism populations rise, the increase in available food causes the predator population to rise. The predators then over hunt their prey, which sends their populations into decline. Soon, the lack of resources causes the predator populations to collapse. The lack of predators then allows the prey populations to rise, resetting the cycle.
The survivors of this cycle are always the fittest. On the preys side, they may be smarter, faster, or stronger, but also more fearful and avoidant of predators. This cause's many of the survivors to apply a negative connotation to anything related to a predator. This phenomenon would continuously compound a top itself, leading to an utterly immense negativity in regards to a predator. Human beings most likely (unknowingly) verbalize this extreme negativity with the word 'evil'.
The main driver of a predator is a deep seated instinct to identify, capture, kill, and consume their prey. This instinct is called a prey drive. This drive serves no other function than driving the predator towards murder, because of that, it is %100 malevolent towards its prey. This drive will continue to fire, even when the organism is fed, and can lead the predator to sport hunt.
If left unchecked, this drive would effectively consume your entire species, as it has to many others. If such a drive were harbored by something intelligent, it would have an inclination to prolong the satiation of this drive, to increase the personal gratification received. This would lead to a slow, miserable and agonizing death for the victim. When it comes to identifying prey, predators inherently target the most vulnerable members of their prey. Which, in humans, is notoriously our children.
The Algonquin speaking tribes of North America spoke of a malevolent woodland spirit, that would drive humans into unspeakable atrocities to one another, this includes cannibalism. They called it a Wendigo. It is gluttonous and insatiable, and turns the possessed into a horrible beast. Some tribes even believe it looks like a normal human, and uses its disguise to manipulate its prey. It is their idea of pure evil and, as I believe, the attempt of a superstitious peoples to describe a prey drive directed towards them. But what is a prey drive doing inside humans, targeting other humans?
That's quite the revelation.
There is a mental condition affecting a small portion of the human population. The symptoms of this condition include: absence of emotional empathy, narcissism, manipulative and controlling behavior, fearlessness, ruthlessness, an attraction to power and a mannered disposition. Its called psychopathy. Some psychologists classify them as an intraspecies predator. This is because the above 'symptoms' serve as adaptions to extract resources out of the surrounding human population. A predator within our societies
Psychopaths are almost always diagnosed after a court ordered psych-eval. They don't ever seek help, because they see nothing wrong with them. This means our knowledge of psychopaths is based on the populations incompetent enough to be caught. There is the potential for a rarer, more extreme form of psychopathy to exist.
Lets take a look at one of the worst psychopaths recorded; a pedophilic, cannabalistic, sadistic, and masochistic serial killer, known as Albert Fish. Here is a letter he wrote to the parents of one oh his victims, describing their daughters murder. (Content Warning). https://d2r8r0qhs4bt8m.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/18161302/desktop-1452706026.png You can see where Grace triggered his prey drive, that he then followed its direction, how he used his appearance as a sweet old man to manipulate his prey. Eerily similar to the tales of a Wendigo, after all, his kind did inspire the tale.
Now, lets ask how us normal people would react to such a predator.
Any acknowledgement, no matter how unconscious, of a predator would result in the preys aggression, fearfulness, and distrust to increase. These traits would permeate through everything the organism does, from pursuing its desires, to expressing its dissatisfaction. In humans, this would result in a decrease in social cohesion; manifesting as a drop in happiness, decrease in productivity, recession, crime, war and even genocide. A barbarity at the back of everyone's head, looking for a way out, looking for a target. Blind satiation of such a response can only result in human suffering. Given that this agitation is tied to a predator in the environment, it is also qualified as 'evil'.
An evil in the hearts of men, that must be restrained and controlled. For there is only one path to paradise.
One of the main reasons humans form societies is for defensive purposes. Because of this, you may expect to see the morals, teachings and values a society forms around to alter in order to protect from predators, or 'deliver you from evil'.
A highly promiscuous predator existing within its prey society is naturally the ultimate deviant and can cause the surrounding society to repress deviancy and promiscuity. As well, humans become patriarchal in response to a threat, and require a weapon to properly make war against one. Weekly communal gathering helps strengthen social cohesion, and heresy and blasphemy laws help maintain such a protective response.
Satan, in Hebrew, means 'adversary,' which is fitting, given that the Abrahamic religions combat these twats. In the Holy Bible, he is characterized as a narcissistic, deceptive megalomaniac that appears benevolent, but only as a manipulation tactic, whos only goal is to destroy humanity, out of spite. A match for psychopathy.
Whilst Satan describes their personality traits, the demon Moloch describes their prey drive. The description does differ from the Wendigo description, but this is due to the more complex nature of old world societies, leading to a different hunting method. Whilst Wendigo types would simply find and kill isolated humans, a Moloch type is much more nefarious. One of the hierarchies they are attracted to is clergy. Once a clergy is properly usurped, they'll contort whatever religion they administer to one revolving around human sacrifice. This way they maintain a position of power whilst freely murdering people. This strategy, however, was countered by the spread of Christianity.
Circling back to the tale of the Wendigo, some tribes believe that saying its name gives it power. This is a result of its manipulation. Its called an anti-response. Its purpose is to limit a defensive response, in this case, to limit the spread of information to keep its prey ignorant of its base drive's function. This is what blasphemy laws protect against.
You may expect a modern anti-response to Christianity and the constitution to look like:
-Normalization and promotion of deviancy and promiscuity
-Destruction of patriarchy
-Restrictions on weaponry access
-Demonization of Christianity (though they may wear the skin of a Christian)
-Grooming (makes the prey more vulnerable to predation)
-Hatred of decentralized power structures (Local police, capitalism, homeschooling)
-Hatred of masculinity
-Destruction of norms and gender roles
-Increase in bureaucracy
-Control of information spread
-Weaponization of institutions
-Glorification, facilitation and spread of infanticide
-Increase in social programs and taxation (beginning of domestication)
Of course, for any of these to be accepted by the prey society, they need to be cloaked in a veil of benevolence. Given their attraction and ability to climb to positions of influence, this will be aided by bureaucrats, politicians, business leaders, media outlets, lawyers and entertainers. Evil will be called good.
They will also accuse, slander, attack, threaten, vilify and even kill anyone who stands in their way. If an election doesn't go their way, they'll rig it. If the electorate rejects them, they'll replace them. They'll call anyone who notices them a crazy conspiracy theorist and anything that opposes them fascist. Good will be called evil.
But they were never counting on getting this much of a response. They were never counting on her losing. They've been forced to accelerate their plans, but its only made more people notice. They are desperate right now, and they will try anything to keep themselves in power and what they are, hidden. That makes them dangerous, so be careful.
Lastly, I want to note that these creatures are specifically evolved to deceive and obfuscate their existence. Whilst liberals may be enablers, and progressives, footsoldiers, they are victims of informational warfare. It is the will of the lord that we extend forgiveness to our fellow man. Regardless of any personal hardships endured, it is our duty to be better people.
TL;DR: Homo Sapiens have a natural predator that looks like them and wears a façade of a person. They are sexually promiscuous deviants, cunning, power obsessed, and have a bloodlust for the vulnerable. They are corrupting our institutions and attempting to suppress a defensive response from their prey. We are currently in the most complex predator-prey dynamic in the history of the planet.
Not a parasite. Its the result of a predatory hominid I've termed 'Homo Rapax' being absorbed into our genome long ago. Its neurology and predatory drives are present in the human gene pool because of it.
Have you read the parasite pill pdf
We may be using different terms for a similar event. But I agree.
I've been meaning to read the PDF for a long time...but keep forgetting. Just found a copy at a website called docdroid.net.
couldn't believe the picture on page one; was our voat-goat mascot...thought that was interesting🐸