posted ago by PaNix ago by PaNix +21 / -0

Well firstly, do you guys agree with that statement? It seems to me that on social media this has boiled down all the way to just two camps left. The people who truly want to and believe we can pull the world out of this nosedive and actually save it, moving us into a golden age of recovery and healing after exposing all the bad actors in the world and punishing them. On the other side is women and their simps. Including the youngest americans who havent had time to really digest this stuff to truly understand its implications. These women, who, above all despise accountability at all costs, realize that sex, which for alot of them is their primary source of income, and its a good one for them, is massively threatened under trump. The lifestyle that the left endorses would fade away over time if Trump won and they wouldnt be able to maintain what they do. Thats how i see it. THE ELECTION IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING. The left is going to keep abortion front and center until go time because thats their base. We arent anywhere near the 5% number because of it. While i do believe 80%+ of the voting country will cast their vote for trump, i also believe that there is still room to steal it because of that fact. So.... either something comes out between now and election day that is so vile that even the abortion advocates switch their vote for or, the plan is to let them steal it again- and it was the plan the whole time. That really may be the precipice folks. Based on everything i have seen this is basically where im at right now. There is a huge abortion debate happening every day on social media. I was in a 6v1 argument all day on tiktok just trying to get these 6 women to agree that 30-36 week abortion was wrong "just because." They are ready to die on that hill. Any thoughts on the matter?