US Government Paying $3,000,000,000 in Interest on National Debt Every 24 Hours: Report - The Daily Hodl
The US is spending a huge amount of cash per day just to cover interest on the national debt, according to the chief economist at the multinational investment giant Apollo Global Management.
The question no one asks, who are they paying interest to?
I know I never asked that question. When I was taught about this in economics, the presumption, and implicit teaching, was that the government was paying interest to itself. Thus, the whole "debt" thing was just the government borrowing from itself, and the "interest" thing was just a bookkeeping tool.
That wasn't really said explicitly, but it was implicit in all my classes and pretty much everywhere in the common discourse. The explanation for that was always very handwavy, with hardly any elaboration at all, but the obfuscation of who exactly the Fed is, and their overall scary nature and ties to the IRS were sufficient to quell any real questions or elaborative answers.
Once people understand that the Fed is 100% a private entity, and we are indebted to, and paying interest to, the same people who created and funded both sides of the World Wars specifically to create the United Nations (a one world government under their control) and to create the state of Israel and give it to the Jews under the control of the Rothschilds...
That will be, imo, the first step for understanding the scope of the problem for most. I know it was for me.
And really, it all starts with the question, "Who are we paying interest to?"
Ask that question, and be willing to do your own investigation into the answer, and everything about our world for the past 250 years starts to make sense.
From there of course you are led into Jakob Fugger, his involvement in the Reformation, Colonialism, the Enlightenment, etc. Once you appreciate that the same entity has been in control, through control of all the monetary systems, of most of the "Civilized World" for 500 years you begin to look further, into The Church, it's control, it's foundation, who the Jews are, the Tartarians/Scythians (all of whom make up the Khazarians), etc., etc.
History is a complete lie. It looks nothing like what we are taught. I mean, most of what we are taught is true (with a few notable whoppers of a lie thrown in), but there is so much left out, so much disconnected from itself, that our "history" creates a complete illusion of Reality, both past and present.
And again, it all starts with asking, "Who are we paying interest to?"
I think a lot more people are going to start asking that question very soon.
Very nicely put.
It's OUR money. Shouldn't be paying interest to anyone. It's a fucking SCAM.
It's actually not our money. It is their money. If you look at a dollar bill it says "Federal Reserve Note". It is owned by the Federal Reserve. It is that ownership of all money that allows for all of the fuckery. Well, really it's the compliance of the masses that allows for all the fuckery, but legally speaking, it is that they literally own all the money that makes it all happen the way it does.
It is their ownership of that money, for example, which is why all the money that we pay in taxes goes directly to the Fed and bypasses the US Treasury. It is their ownership of the money that allows the private subcontractor we call the IRS (who is also a subcontractor of the Fed) to claim ownership of all of a persons property if they are suspected of a "tax crime." It's their money, and all of our things are collateral. (The 14th amendment plays a very important part in that as well.)
While I agree we shouldn't be paying interest to anyone, and that it is a scam, it's not the scam you may think it is. The scam is the same scam that's been going on forever (for thousands of years). The only way to stop the scam is for people to understand the scam, and reject it completely. The only way to stop it is to adopt a Free Market economy; something that has never happened.
People think that "Capitalism" is a free market. That is a lie. People do not understand what Capitalism is. They do not understand that that is also a scam (at least as we understand it). The scam is, quite frankly, massive on a scale that is difficult to comprehend, and it is far more convoluted than you can imagine.
But the solution is simple. First people need to understand that they have been scammed, then they need to understand what a free market is (which almost no one does), then they need to adopt it.
"Simple" is probably not that simple, since those are not easy tasks, but it is broad scale understanding of the true nature of the scam that is all that is required in order to solve the problem, and in that sense, it is simple.
I understand that. But per Constitution, it is SUPPOSE to be our money. End the fed
Eh, sorta. Yes, the US Govt was supposed to be in charge of money, but that was still the same scam. Forcing us to use a certain currency (United States Note e.g.) would still cause the same problems, and would still be grounds for taxation. Fiat currency (which means "by decree") is the real fuckery. We can't have a free market if we follow the Constitution as written. It was written by bankers, for bankers. it is a very important part of the scam. We must reject that part of the constitution as well if we are to be free.
That is not the only problem with the constitution, but it is an important one. It is a problem that must be resolved or we are still subject to the same Bankster scam enslaving us.
Except that's not really who they are paying interest to. That's the smokescreen. They are really paying interest to the banks that hold the shares in the Fed, and BIS, etc. Except that's not really who they are paying interest to either. That's the next layer of the smokescreen. They are really paying interest to the people who control the banks who hold the shares in the Fed, BIS, etc.
Who are those people? The Board of Directors of banks like Chase, JP Morgan, Mellon, etc. That is who we are paying interest to. They are the trustees of those funds, and, in general, after all is said and done, and all the corporate smokescreens are uncovered, they are also the beneficiaries of them.
We pay interest to the most powerful people in the world; the Banksters. Pretty much everyone on the planet does. Through the 14th amendment, that debt enslaves us as well. It is through that legal fuckery that we are legally indentured in perpetuity to the Board of Directors of those banks. And really, there's only one bank in the world.