Has fluid in his lungs. Fever over 100. Oxygen was in the 60s at home & got up to 90s with oxygen in the ER. They think the appendix is infected too.
As much as we disagree, he is the one who taught me to question everything & look on both (all) sides of every issue to figure out what both sides were refusing to discuss.
He will likely be healed up here soon, really my mother & family could use strength to care for him as he recovers. He hit his head a few weeks ago & hasn't quite been the same... Though still as stubborn as ever 😆
When it is time for him to go, it is his time. The family could really just use some support & blessings. Likely everyone in this board could use more during these times too.
I appreciate it. I still get a kick every time I see your name. It was my first & still is my favorite class to play. My met my wife while she was playing a dwarf & she was always angry in character (along with two other dwarves) that most of the time my character could de-escalate the combat before they got a good swing in. My traditional team & DM were not sure how to handle the one I played who smote first & asked questions of survivors if any. That DM was also never satisfied with how "little" power player had & always preferred story over strictness of rules.
To give you a taste of their mindset, the last stats he had us all roll were 4d6, drop the lowest two and add 6 to the total. When I rolled up four 18s, a 17 & a 16 he laughed & said this campaign was going to brokenly fun. Never did I think I would put an 18 into a Paladin intelligence. It was a crazy campaign to put it mildly.
LOL 18 int paladin - I love it.
Keep us posted on how your father is!
They were able to take his gal bladder out today. The nurses & surgeon said they have never seen one so bad. Over half of it had died (necrotic).
Sounds like if he waited a couple more days he likely could have ended up with sepsis.
Oh wow - thank you Jesus!
Will continue to pray for healing.
Here is another update. Again thank you for your prayers & kinship.