And here is, a very, very angry Joe Hoft shredding the FBI piece by piece for covering up the crimes of the 2020 election across the country, especially in Georgia and Michigan. “If something happens to me, we’ve got the evidence, more than just video, we’re going to drop this bomb piece by piece
How do you guys not get it? This is a military operation. It relies on very specific timing. You all mouth the words "Trust the Plan" yet you all flit and float with every news item. How are you all ignorant of the inexorable march to the end game? To a more and more obvious critical mass? And how are you not aware that the end game was always to come after November 5th? And that Justice would be impossible until after?
And your stupid replies just bury the lede on this story. So shill like. So unnecessary. Anyalyze the news. Poke holes in it or confirm. But dont whine that nothing ever happens. We fucking know that nothing will happen when tyrants control the public facing levers of power.
Thanks for posting that.
In addition to what you explained, I can’t believe that people, on this board of all places, can’t understand this basic concept: The plan is to awaken the public FIRST, and THEN begin releasing the evidence (election fraud, Covid, etc). If you do it in reverse, and release the evidence before the public is awakened to a large enough degree, then the sleeping masses will tune out and not pay any attention.
No need for the insults. And 'how are you not aware that the end game was always to come after November 5th?' would have held more credence if you said in on Jan 6th, 2021 rather than 50 or so days away from November 5th.
We know because Q told us back in 2019 that the plan runs until July 2025.
Pure frustration that threads get hijacked by this whining. Tell me something I dont know.
I get it.
Who’s military?
So what will be your response after they steal this election?