I wanted to say something a couple weeks ago, but I decided to hold off and continue to monitor. I am censoring my own message here so not to raise any eyebrows. Here in lower Michigan I have seen nothing but blue skies since RFK Jr tweeted the response below.
I am not trying to over exaggerate, I am being dead serious. I have been watching the skies EVERY day and I have seen NOTHING but blue skies. Coincidence? I think not.
Keep a eye to the sky and let me know if you find the same.
I work outside and make a point to check the skies. When Obama visited Austin Texas back in the day there were worse crisscrossed skied than ever before for those few days before and during that visit. After Trump got elected I saw 0 trails his first year in office. The skies looked clear and the clouds were white and puffy. I even saw many “contrails” that disappeared soon after. Brought back childhood memories.
Then they started back slowly at first, then sometimes more intense.
I am not claiming to know what is in them or even their intent. Just observations.