It's a post title with an article to read. You skipped the part that required effort (the article), drew a baseless conclusion (about the article), and then followed up by saying OP lacked effort for not summarizing it for your lazy brain to understand.
Look, I made a comment. I explained myself. If you don't like it fine but why are you nipping at my heels here like a Karen? Don't you have something better to do besides this? Can you be the bigger man here? Let's move on pal. Downvote this comment and be done with it OK?
It's a post title with an article to read. You skipped the part that required effort (the article), drew a baseless conclusion (about the article), and then followed up by saying OP lacked effort for not summarizing it for your lazy brain to understand.
Go f*ck yourself troublemaker.
Can you do it for me? I can't be bothered to put in the effort.
Thanks for proving my point.
Look, I made a comment. I explained myself. If you don't like it fine but why are you nipping at my heels here like a Karen? Don't you have something better to do besides this? Can you be the bigger man here? Let's move on pal. Downvote this comment and be done with it OK?
I did not prove your point, I literally demonstrated your own behavior and you still cant figure it out. Like holy shit this can't be real.
Wish granted, I'm fleeing this board in horror at the total lack of self-awareness.