6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
Let me ask you something. Do you believe that the Germans tricked human beings into going into rooms disguised as showers so they could murder them with Cyklon B cyanide gas?
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
Let me ask you something. Do you believe that the Germans tricked human beings into going into rooms disguised as showers so they could murder them with Cyklon B cyanide gas?