Usury has caused the Jews to corrupt the world and control it.
Hitler wanted to put an end to this usury and the Jews lied by saying that he wanted to put an end to all the Jews, when in reality he wanted to exterminate only the Jews who were usurers and who were contaminating all of Europe and expanding to the American continent.
Huh?!? More likely he was rounding up Jewish communist partisans that initially failed their communist revolution in Germany the way they succeeded in Russia. Plus, they often fought out of uniform, the LOW and GC are pretty clear about uniformed armed combatants.
I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Was the Six Million holocaust number a fact or is there more to it?
The history of most German concentration camps was written by the predominantly Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR after WW2 because they occupied those lands.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Collective homicide directed at a social, racial, or ethnic group.
Who says there was any "sacrifice"? The Nazis regarded Jews as vermin. Do you sacrifice vermin or simply exterminate them? You are obsessing over an outlook that did not apply to Nazis.
The jews were sacrificed
The khazarians did the sacrificing
They sacrificed to Molech
For greater satanic power
Jews of today are more likely to be satanic, atheist and khazarian nevermind ethnic israelites of the levitical order. They reject christ, they're mostly.war mongers, they all benefit from usury and they follow the Talmud
They're as dumb n retarded as Muslims n Hindus imo
Usury has caused the Jews to corrupt the world and control it.
Hitler wanted to put an end to this usury and the Jews lied by saying that he wanted to put an end to all the Jews, when in reality he wanted to exterminate only the Jews who were usurers and who were contaminating all of Europe and expanding to the American continent.
Huh?!? More likely he was rounding up Jewish communist partisans that initially failed their communist revolution in Germany the way they succeeded in Russia. Plus, they often fought out of uniform, the LOW and GC are pretty clear about uniformed armed combatants.
More Hitler whitewashing? When he appointed people to conduct the extermination? Along with Slavs and Gypsies---those infamous usurers?
I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Then we realise that Hitler attended a lecture on finance and he decided to change the direction of German finances when in power.
Now add in the questions we are not allowed to ask:
Just adding onto your points, check this out…
Between the world wars, Germany was under a socialist government and burdened by reparations. Any surprise that the economy might collapse?
Questions have answers. The first question is that they are surrounded by anti-Semites who resent their worldly success and religious independence.
The 6 million may be a lowball figure.
The existence of the concentration camps, victims, and survivors was seen and documented by all allied troops.
Yeah, you are making excuses. Nothing can excuse genocide. You should stop trying.
antisemite is a made up word, and if it was even a real word it should also extend palestinians (since they are semites) but it doesnt, cause, jews.
its literally a word specifically for the jewish semites, and its racist as fuck
I am not making excuses just stating facts.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
Can you answer for this then?
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Define Holocaust.
Who was sacrificed? Who did the sacrificing? To whom was the sacrifice to? To whom was the sacrifice for?
Collective homicide directed at a social, racial, or ethnic group.
Who says there was any "sacrifice"? The Nazis regarded Jews as vermin. Do you sacrifice vermin or simply exterminate them? You are obsessing over an outlook that did not apply to Nazis.
Holocaust- the whole burnt offering.
The jews were sacrificed The khazarians did the sacrificing They sacrificed to Molech For greater satanic power
Jews of today are more likely to be satanic, atheist and khazarian nevermind ethnic israelites of the levitical order. They reject christ, they're mostly.war mongers, they all benefit from usury and they follow the Talmud
They're as dumb n retarded as Muslims n Hindus imo
Maybe you should look up the definition of holocaust. It would be nice if you understood the meaning of the word you throw around so freely.
Turn the glowing rectangular brain wash box off.
You first. What is it when you see nothing and declare it means something?
I haven't watched MSM Fake News in over a decade.
Show me the documentation of these exterminations
Nope. If you have a beef with the evidence, you get to root it out and disprove it. Photos and eyewitness accounts aren't to your taste?