posted ago by nothingberg ago by nothingberg +21 / -1

This might give them pause, as it neutralizes their incentive to rid the world of Trump. "You strike me down, you make me even more powerful"

If they have a legal / constitutional problem with TrumpLLM not being a person, then JD Vance can be the president and TrumpLLM can be his VP, or JD Vance can offer himself as a proxy candidate for TrumpLLM as his strategic advisor, citing an equivalent parallel to how Kamala is a proxy for Obama.

Then JD Vance can choose another real human as vp; or make that VP a proxy for TrumpLLM

I am not sure if any of you remember the series Arrested Development but there was a "surrogate" human that essentially repeated what the patriarch Blum said in prison thru a headset. It was pretty funny

This proxy stuff would be like that

And before you push back I'll remind you this IS clown world after all. Adapt or die.