241 Trump after two assassination attempts: "I can't be scared because if you're scared, you can't do your job. So I just can't be." (twitter.com) posted 5 months ago by Joys1Daughter 5 months ago by Joys1Daughter +241 / -0 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Here's the story about Scotland...
Died suddenly before it was popular. I imagine they would have occasional health checks for USSS
No...he was poisoned. They are not going to release this info but I'm sure POTUS knows.
Yeah definitely possible he was poisoned. Just like with the vaccine, all leading to the news saying "died suddenly"
Thanks Joy's Daughter! 🌷
Aaawww...thanks Bones! 😽
👽 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/843712775871349522/D20026D3E05F0647A97C9B450644191B90A450EC/