I returned from living abroad in the fall of 2020 intending to join the fight. I had found Q info earlier in the late winter. However the original videos regarding Q and what is/was going on were the really out there stuff, and I was like WTF...
After the stolen elections, I'd been back in the USA since Sept 15th, I was depressed. There was a huge group of planes overhead that next night and I thought the Military was the only way, then nothing happened...
I thought surely the Churches would stand up and fight, but they didn't.
I thought it was a civil war and was prepared to do whatever I could to fight. It hasn't been. However, the plan has finally swung into offense and seems to be working. I'm a lot wiser about why it had to be this way because almost everything has been corrupted. A civil war in 2020 would have been a victory for Satan.
I returned from living abroad in the fall of 2020 intending to join the fight. I had found Q info earlier in the late winter. However the original videos regarding Q and what is/was going on were the really out there stuff, and I was like WTF...
After the stolen elections, I'd been back in the USA since Sept 15th, I was depressed. There was a huge group of planes overhead that next night and I thought the Military was the only way, then nothing happened...
I thought surely the Churches would stand up and fight, but they didn't.
I thought it was a civil war and was prepared to do whatever I could to fight. It hasn't been. However, the plan has finally swung into offense and seems to be working. I'm a lot wiser about why it had to be this way because almost everything has been corrupted. A civil war in 2020 would have been a victory for Satan.