She WANTS war, because it will drain the best and brightest men away from USA, to sleep forever somewhere else. This way she can step into the power vacuum with her cronies. Less opposition. Plus she can make ungodly amounts of money that way.
I saw an interesting piece from Eric Weinstein yesterday talking about how all this laffing and gaffing she does is intentional, and that it is a Marxist playbook designed to fool you:
This is all true, of course. But as far as I can see, very few Americans are taking the prospect of WWIII seriously. Most of them just consider it campaign hyperbole.
She WANTS war, because it will drain the best and brightest men away from USA, to sleep forever somewhere else. This way she can step into the power vacuum with her cronies. Less opposition. Plus she can make ungodly amounts of money that way.
I saw an interesting piece from Eric Weinstein yesterday talking about how all this laffing and gaffing she does is intentional, and that it is a Marxist playbook designed to fool you:
Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? - Eric Weinstein
This is all true, of course. But as far as I can see, very few Americans are taking the prospect of WWIII seriously. Most of them just consider it campaign hyperbole.
Thanks for posting
Harris and her gang want WWII. Big money to be made.