posted ago by penisse ago by penisse +37 / -0

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Kim Dotcom's X account was suspended almost two weeks ago, and as of today, it remains silenced.

"My X account was suspended 3 days ago because I posted a screenshot from bidenreport(dot)com, a website that published the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop.

"I replied to an X post from Joe Biden where he celebrated his involvement in the ‘Violence Against Women Act’. Legislation to protect women against violence.

"I posted a screenshot of Hunter Biden strangling a woman during sex. Hunter Biden recorded himself in the act and stored the video on his laptop. This photo and bidenreport(dot)com have been in the public domain for years and have been the source material for a Congressional committee investigation against Joe and Hunter Biden for numerous crimes."

Kim Dotcom further writes via his Substack:

"I submitted the following appeal to X:

“X has suspended my account for posting a photo from Bidenreport(dot)com (Hunter Biden laptop) which shows Hunter Biden strangling a woman during sex. It was a quote responding to a post by Joe Biden celebrating his ‘Violence Against Women Act’.

"X suspended my account under the ‘Child sexual exploitation policy’ which means X believes that the photo I posted is that of an underaged girl?

"But if this photo isn’t of an underaged girl my X post can’t be in breach of your ‘Child sexual exploitation policy’. Is X seriously suggesting that Hunter Biden had brutal sex with a child? That would be a huge story.

"If that’s the case I would like to receive evidence of ‘child exploitation’. X is asking me to delete my post and ‘acknowledge that I violated the X rules’. I cannot do that unless X can provide evidence that this is in fact a photo of an underaged girl having sex with Hunter Biden. If not then my post is not in breach of X rules

"For your information bidenreport(dot)com and the photo I posted are in the public domain and have been used as evidence by the Congressional Committee investigating Joe and Hunter Biden for numerous crimes. To the best of my knowledge Child sexual exploitation wasn’t one of them.

"Please reinstate my account.”

"I decided that I will not delete my X post (X has removed it temporarily) until after I have received a formal reply to my appeal (still waiting). Deleting the post also comes with an admission that I breached X rules on ‘Child sexual exploitation’ which is a serious matter. I certainly didn’t breach any X rules knowingly.

"The photo that started all of this can be found here: https://bidenreport.com/#p=325

"See page 321, middle row of photos, the photo on the very left. Another shocking photo is on the top left of page 320. It shows a significant bite mark on the right leg of the girl.

"Now here is where this gets interesting. As many of you know I was the operator of one of the largest user-generated online service providers in the world called Megaupload. When we received notices concerning ‘child pornography’ they were always elevated to the most senior staff. The same would be true at X.

"Sharing ‘Child sexual exploitation’ content is the most serious offending a user can do. It’s a criminal offense in any jurisdiction and therefore requires the most serious assessment by the most senior abuse team member at X.

"I can tell you from experience that X would not have made the allegation that my post contains ‘Child sexual exploitation’ content unless they are 100% sure. Especially because the content in question was created by the son of the US President. In my mind there are only two scenarios of this happening:

1. There is an active FBI investigation against Hunter Biden for the creation of this ‘Child sexual exploitation’ content. The photos from Hunter Biden’s laptop have been shared numerous times on social media. X would have received a notice from the FBI to cooperate with the investigation and was likely instructed to prevent the content from being shared on X.

🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠◀️ (2/2)

2. X has been approached by the White House about my post and was asked to urgently remove it. The only way this could be done is by flagging the content as ‘Child sexual exploitation’ because otherwise the photo in question would not be in breach of X rules and the post could not be removed.

"I doubt that Elon Musk would go along with option 2 because he’s a free speech absolutist and no friend of Joe Biden who has been persecuting Elon for offering a free speech platform.

"Additionally, I have emailed Elon about my suspension and provided him with a copy of my appeal. He usually responds to me. Not this time. Which indicates that option 1 is at play and that he is not legally allowed to comment because of an ongoing FBI investigation.

"If there is an FBI investigation against the Presidents son for the sexual abuse of a minor then the public deserves to know before the election. Joe Biden is not running for President but if Kamala Harris has knowledge of such an investigation she needs to answer questions.

"Especially after 51 members of the intelligence community and Joe Biden lied about ‘Russian disinformation’ regarding the Hunter Biden laptop during the last election."

👉🏻 https://x.com/TheGeorgeHQ/status/1838296843182313594