Yeah, I didn't mention the thing my wife did before we met, or what she did on our second day after meeting. LOL, The Stereotypical things the Expat communities warn you about.
However, that's all behind us and we are closer and doing better than ever before. Filipinos tend to be very happy people. Not in the huge cities, but in the smaller ones, you can walk around even in the poorest areas and be ok. I had people come out and give me water to drink because they could see I was sweating, or a towel to wipe the sweat off with, Strangers... Here in many places, you could keel over on the sidewalk and no one would help you, many would frown at you, and some would rob you.
The people in the Philippines are poor so there are a lot of crimes of opportunity, but I have also had people hand me money I'd accidentally dropped... Children Say their Pledge of Allegiance, Sing their National Anthem, raise their flag, and have a prayer all before school. Children are better behaved in school, Elderly people get more respect. Although things are slowly getting worse, children will come up to an adult and want you to place your hand (The Knuckle side, not the palm) Against their forehead, they say Bless (Name), but actually, they are asking you to bless them.
Most people die at home with family around, not in some Nursing Homes. My Nanay (Wife's Mother) Died, but I wasn't at the hospital for that. However I did see her before she died, and an old lady next to her passed on. They had some kind of breathing bladder that was pumped by hand. The Dr and Nurses pump it for a few min. then turn the task over to the relatives. They take turns pumping, the few ventilators are in use elsewhere. Probably few people are kept alive but it still is closure, the family can feel they to an active part in trying to help. In the USA your Children and Grandchildren often only come to see you out of obligation and are looking at their watches to see if they have been an appropriate amount of time, then haul ass. My wife working in a Nursing home, saw a lot of people die, they divy up their clothing if they. had much, among the poorer residents. Then all the mementos and pictures from their lives go in the dumpster... Family closeness is all but gone here, family gatherings around Holidays are often stressful times, as evidenced by the increased suicides at that time of year.
The NWO has already destroyed a lot of who we should be... It will be a long time before the West is healed.
I wish you continued happiness. My 29 year old son married a Thai woman when he was teaching abroad in Bangkok. He had met her online years before when the were undergrads. We could not attend the wedding bc we are both unvaccinated, however we did travel to Thailand when things opened back up to meet her family in a rice village of 300. The Thai people are so lovely, it's all about the family. My son and his wife now live in DC, it was no easy task getting her here legally. We're seriously thinking of retiring in Thailand, the quality of life is outstanding.
My Auntie and Uncle were Missionaries in Thailand, 2 cousins were born there, but all 4 grew up there. Thailand has better infrastructure now, than the Philippines, but I married from the Philippines, and they speak English. Thailand has a lot of areas with few English speakers. I'll probably go see the sights there as a break from the Philippines. Also Thailand has 100% Better food!
Lol, you signed up for this insanity. 🤣 I would've run for the hills.
Yeah, I didn't mention the thing my wife did before we met, or what she did on our second day after meeting. LOL, The Stereotypical things the Expat communities warn you about.
However, that's all behind us and we are closer and doing better than ever before. Filipinos tend to be very happy people. Not in the huge cities, but in the smaller ones, you can walk around even in the poorest areas and be ok. I had people come out and give me water to drink because they could see I was sweating, or a towel to wipe the sweat off with, Strangers... Here in many places, you could keel over on the sidewalk and no one would help you, many would frown at you, and some would rob you.
The people in the Philippines are poor so there are a lot of crimes of opportunity, but I have also had people hand me money I'd accidentally dropped... Children Say their Pledge of Allegiance, Sing their National Anthem, raise their flag, and have a prayer all before school. Children are better behaved in school, Elderly people get more respect. Although things are slowly getting worse, children will come up to an adult and want you to place your hand (The Knuckle side, not the palm) Against their forehead, they say Bless (Name), but actually, they are asking you to bless them.
Most people die at home with family around, not in some Nursing Homes. My Nanay (Wife's Mother) Died, but I wasn't at the hospital for that. However I did see her before she died, and an old lady next to her passed on. They had some kind of breathing bladder that was pumped by hand. The Dr and Nurses pump it for a few min. then turn the task over to the relatives. They take turns pumping, the few ventilators are in use elsewhere. Probably few people are kept alive but it still is closure, the family can feel they to an active part in trying to help. In the USA your Children and Grandchildren often only come to see you out of obligation and are looking at their watches to see if they have been an appropriate amount of time, then haul ass. My wife working in a Nursing home, saw a lot of people die, they divy up their clothing if they. had much, among the poorer residents. Then all the mementos and pictures from their lives go in the dumpster... Family closeness is all but gone here, family gatherings around Holidays are often stressful times, as evidenced by the increased suicides at that time of year.
The NWO has already destroyed a lot of who we should be... It will be a long time before the West is healed.
I wish you continued happiness. My 29 year old son married a Thai woman when he was teaching abroad in Bangkok. He had met her online years before when the were undergrads. We could not attend the wedding bc we are both unvaccinated, however we did travel to Thailand when things opened back up to meet her family in a rice village of 300. The Thai people are so lovely, it's all about the family. My son and his wife now live in DC, it was no easy task getting her here legally. We're seriously thinking of retiring in Thailand, the quality of life is outstanding.
My Auntie and Uncle were Missionaries in Thailand, 2 cousins were born there, but all 4 grew up there. Thailand has better infrastructure now, than the Philippines, but I married from the Philippines, and they speak English. Thailand has a lot of areas with few English speakers. I'll probably go see the sights there as a break from the Philippines. Also Thailand has 100% Better food!