Open.Ink announces the re-launch of "J6: A True Timeline", now featuring exclusive new footage, including video of Kamala Harris. Produced by Jason Rink and Paul Escandon, this expanded edition provides a more comprehensive account of the events at the Cap...
Recommended for stickie on the side bar for further research (+@mods)
Would you settle for a regular sticky?
Perfect for me. Personally, I have saved the thread and bookmarked the link.
I hope those coming later will be able to find it.
So we can watch more of the glowies wreaking havoc & blaming the people that were there peacefully?
The best J6 video is the one(s) showing the deepstate setting up the stage, complete with blocking (placing fake Trump supporters in position at 9 am and having them just stand there til the real Trumpers came marching in, hours later) and cases of bottled water for all the crisis actors. In a real armed insurrection, would there be cases of bottled water strategically located around the scene? Ha ha ha.
The footage of the fake cops doing fake arrests is hysterically funny; clearly they never practiced fake-arresting anyone before.
The entire thing was a movie. Checking rumble just now, I couldn't find it because I don't remember the title, but there are others there that show the fakery. Should be all over the internet and social media by now but it isn't for some reason.
I believe you're referring to the Wooz News video. Definitely worth the watch...
Yes! Thanks anon
It was maybe 45 minutes of violent interaction out of a 12 hour day of protesting. It also happened before most if not all of the attendees of Trumps entire speech could have arrived after walking from Ellipse to Capitol steps.
Most glaring difference. Most of the violent or destructive people were wearing masks and once inside there was no one with destructive or violent behavior or wearing masks.
Why is that?