Do you remember when Q made numerous Biblical references and specifically mentioned to follow the bloodlines? The reason these are "Biblical Times" is because we are in the midst of an irregular, spiritual, psychological, information based, bloodline war where God wins in the end. The bloodlines engaged in this warfare are the interbred and intermarried fake Jewish Khazarian Mafia (Illuminati/Jesuit) bloodlines whom seek to exterminate the remaining Druze ethnic bloodlines (800,000 to 2,000,000 people) from Earth as they share the same scientifically proven DNA as Jesus Christ.
Speaking of Biblical times, this brings our attention to the intentionally lost book of Q (the Gospel of Q) which are the direct teachings of Jesus Christ believed to be one of the original gospels. The book Q consists of 6236 verses (6 + 2 + 3 + 6) = 17. This is very similar to the intentional exclusion of the Book of Enoch or the Gospel of Mary Magdalene from the Bible and the removal and reinstallation of the book of Revelation. The reason the Q gospel and many other books with hidden teachings were intentionally removed from the Bible is due to the constant Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit (Vatican) editing, mistranslating, and restructuring of the Bible. This is to hide specific spiritual teachings relating to ascension, karmic debt, natural cures/remedies, reincarnation, the third eye (pineal gland), vibrational frequency, etc. where the Bible was censored from 777 (angel number) original books all the way down to 66 books (their favorite Luciferian number of course). Many people hid these sacred spiritual books to preserve for future generations since they were forbidden from the modern 1611 Edition King James Freemason Bible.
Do not be deceived. There in no "bloodline" of Jesus. Jesus was not married or the Bible would have said He was married and had children. Anyone that accepts Jesus as their Saviour and repents of their sinful life will be saved. The Bible is the complete Book God wanted us to have. If there were other books He wanted in the Bible, they would be there. Do not be deceived.
boy, this post started out awesome only to nose-dive right into ridiculousness. 777 books of the Bible? We know the Hebrews preserved the OT 39 books in their synagoges for centuries, right up to the time Christ walked the earth. Gospel of Mary Magdalene? lol
The Bible has been highly edited and books hidden that would give humanity a complete picture. The Bible can both be true and have had large portions hidden. It’s pretty obvios from the book of Genesis alone that huge portions of the story have been edited out.
God has stated that his word can never be deleted or eliminated.
The Catholic Church killed millions of Protestants to prevent them from having the Bible so their "teachers" could retain power.
Didn't work.
It might've been edited, it might've been changed a bit, but the main message is still there.
Jesus Christ is the son of God, God came down in flesh, died for our sins. He is the Savior.
If they wanted to edit something out, it would've been that part.
There have been changes. Masoretic was recopied almost 1,000 years after Christ. Near all bibles old testament are translated from masoretic. And has some changes that seem to affect jews acceptance of Jesus as Messiah. Isiah is changed from a virgin to a young woman. And 100 years each are removed from the lifespans of six generations of shem, to make it look like shem lived beyond abrahams birth. Jews claim shem was the melchizadek priesthood and therefore abraham could not have received the mechezidik priesthood. Shem receiving the mechezidik priest hood is not based in the Old Testament afaik, so idk where jews get that idea. Mechezidik means righteous king. Abraham tithed and bowed to him. In Hebrews NT, Melchizadik has no beginning no end and no mother or father. Idk who Melchizadik is, but he appears to be a heavenly being with authority as a priest of God. The Messiah (Jesus) being a priest in the order of Melchizadik forever is in one of the Psalms. Basically only levites were always (earthly) priests but couldnt also be (earthly) kings. Under Melchizadeik pristhood, passed to Christ, Jesus is both King and Priest.
Are some issues in septuagint as well, but septuagint better matches new testament quotes when quoting old testament. Example is 70 with jacob in masoretic and 75 with jacob in septuagint. With stephen saying 75 with jacob in Acts. Saw a video where septuagint, samaritan pentateuch, and josephus all say 75. Only masoretic says 70, but conflicts with acts in new testament which also says 75.
So in short lol, all are corrupted in some ways, but all of the word exists uncorrupted in full in all of them. The Melchizadik priesthood issue doesnt affect christians, but can affect jews acceptance of Jesus.