Unless today was the birthday of a founding father, or someone important to Americans and Google was covering it up with nonsense like they usually do, then you have a thread-worthy post.
But this is just spam and forum sliding, a known shill technique.
Ok, but posting 100% IRRELEVANT crap is a known shill tactic called "forum sliding" which means pushing relevant threads out of sight by posting irrelevant stuff
... Like Google having a "popcorn" doodle on their main page.
This. Who cares.
Unless today was the birthday of a founding father, or someone important to Americans and Google was covering it up with nonsense like they usually do, then you have a thread-worthy post.
But this is just spam and forum sliding, a known shill technique.
BIS… hardly a shill.
Ok, but posting 100% IRRELEVANT crap is a known shill tactic called "forum sliding" which means pushing relevant threads out of sight by posting irrelevant stuff
... Like Google having a "popcorn" doodle on their main page.
100% irrelevant to this entire forum.
Go out and touch some grass today. Pet a dog or cat or something.
Go back to reddit, sweetie.
Take a nap, sparky. Popcorn is a big deal around here. Some things are just fun.
Q talked about Google...remember ES in NK...
K, then show us how popcorn Google doodle is relevant to this forum by even 1%...
I'll wait.
And maybe I'll make some threads here about milk. "Because everyone drinks milk!!!!!".
Thanks, I try not to shill post.
But occasionally datefag but I don’t date fags (no offense I don’t swing that way). :)