I'm am planning to travel to Asia to start a mission. To go, I still have to get the flu shot (to enter India). I've been getting a lot of push back from family members telling me it's actually just the Covid vaccine and that it is created from aborted fetuses.
I'm wondering what your thoughts on this is. Thanks.
I have a lung condition called cystic fibrosis, so i've had most childhood vaccines all my life (In Australia, so probably less vaccines than the American schedule), including the flu vaccine every year up until 2021, never had problems with them, until my parents pressured me into getting the covid astrazeneca vax and i got permanent long vax as a result, can't exercise or work full time anymore, so i'd rather have 10,000 flu vaccines than a covid vax. As long as you make sure it's not a new mRNA flu vax (don't know if they've come out yet) then i don't think it's too dangerous. Ask to see the needle packet/vax bottle yourself so they don't accidentally give you a covid vax like they did to people in walmart.