You may well be right. But I believe that all MAGA supporters need to take it seriously nevertheless. The Illuminati are desperate and enraged, and we dare not take the chance of ignoring threats to DJT, no matter how outrageous they may seem.
Ok, let's assume we take it seriously. How is that going to prevent Trump's plane being targeted for his assassination?
I think that it's actually detrimental to us that we're constantly being bombarded with all of these types of posts. Mental/emotional fatigue is a real thing.
There's only so much of this type of thing that we can hear without eventually going numb to it. It's the same thing normies experience. There's only so many times we can try to redpill them with this type of thing before they just automatically assume it's all nonsense.
I'm not talking about sharing things that have happened, and there are sources and other evidence to support whatever it is we're sharing.
I'm talking about all this fear-porn type stuff that has yet to happen, with little credible evidence to support it, and there being nothing we can do to prevent it.
Things that do nothing more than get people all outraged or scared about something. What practical purpose does it serve?
I think much of this type of post is done either for clicks, or to manipulate how people think, feel, and/or react.
If you're quick to become angry/afraid/sad/some other big emotion by a post (or speech, or article, etc...), there's a decent likelihood that you are being manipulated. Not always, of course. But it's likely enough that you should step back and question why you're having those reactions, and what the person/people provoking those reactions have to gain from your emotions.
"Fear porn. Learn to recognize it."
You may well be right. But I believe that all MAGA supporters need to take it seriously nevertheless. The Illuminati are desperate and enraged, and we dare not take the chance of ignoring threats to DJT, no matter how outrageous they may seem.
Ok, let's assume we take it seriously. How is that going to prevent Trump's plane being targeted for his assassination?
I think that it's actually detrimental to us that we're constantly being bombarded with all of these types of posts. Mental/emotional fatigue is a real thing.
There's only so much of this type of thing that we can hear without eventually going numb to it. It's the same thing normies experience. There's only so many times we can try to redpill them with this type of thing before they just automatically assume it's all nonsense.
I'm not talking about sharing things that have happened, and there are sources and other evidence to support whatever it is we're sharing.
I'm talking about all this fear-porn type stuff that has yet to happen, with little credible evidence to support it, and there being nothing we can do to prevent it.
Things that do nothing more than get people all outraged or scared about something. What practical purpose does it serve?
I think much of this type of post is done either for clicks, or to manipulate how people think, feel, and/or react.
If you're quick to become angry/afraid/sad/some other big emotion by a post (or speech, or article, etc...), there's a decent likelihood that you are being manipulated. Not always, of course. But it's likely enough that you should step back and question why you're having those reactions, and what the person/people provoking those reactions have to gain from your emotions.