Narcissists/sociopaths rely on lies, bribes and manipulation to stay in control of everyone else.
But when narcs/sociopaths realize that their bullshit isn't working anymore, they become enraged. That's because they don't have any other way to get people to do what they want.
You'll see that in individuals, like a family member who suddenly gets violent at home; you'll see it in governments and in entities like WEF who suddenly and viciously crack down on their people; and you'll see it in everything in between.
That's how you know you're dealing with a sociopath. And beware, because that's when they get dangerous.
Be aware of the term "narcissistic rage."
Narcissists/sociopaths rely on lies, bribes and manipulation to stay in control of everyone else.
But when narcs/sociopaths realize that their bullshit isn't working anymore, they become enraged. That's because they don't have any other way to get people to do what they want.
You'll see that in individuals, like a family member who suddenly gets violent at home; you'll see it in governments and in entities like WEF who suddenly and viciously crack down on their people; and you'll see it in everything in between.
That's how you know you're dealing with a sociopath. And beware, because that's when they get dangerous.