Q said that one party promotes God and the other one doesn't. But have you been aware that the Republican party will invert the stars on their logos? I went into the R. headquarters where I live and told them about it. After that they stopped putting up elephant signs with inverted stars. Hopefully they will speak to other offices and some will start to wonder why the stars would be inverted in the first place, when it is easy to research that it represents Satanism. They might even find out whose idea this was.
At 13:48, you can clearly see an upside down star in the upper left of the screen. (that is on a big flag behind the crowd) It seems the camera operator was working to not include this, but did so anyway.
Q said that one party promotes God and the other one doesn't. But have you been aware that the Republican party will invert the stars on their logos? I went into the R. headquarters where I live and told them about it. After that they stopped putting up elephant signs with inverted stars. Hopefully they will speak to other offices and some will start to wonder why the stars would be inverted in the first place, when it is easy to research that it represents Satanism. They might even find out whose idea this was.
Make sure to scroll down to the Hillary rally where they have a US flag with inverted stars.
u/catsfive/ did a post some months ago featuring the Clintons.
In the comments you will see where I got to digging around and confirmed that this is was going on; in this case at a Hillary convention.
At 13:48, you can clearly see an upside down star in the upper left of the screen. (that is on a big flag behind the crowd) It seems the camera operator was working to not include this, but did so anyway.