All those celebrity freakout videos during 2020 were a huge tell for me. They didn't all 'coincidentally' start behaving the same and putting it out on socials. Something else other than the steal went on during Novid.
Back in 2016 these sicko criminals thought they were untouchable forever. Rude awakening bitches. You are all going to be exposed and you are all going down.
Remember the dessicated cococunt handing out pizza at one of their award 'ceremonies' 🤬🤮
P-diddy = pedo diddler
Lol. That has been the nickname I always gave it .
"It" is a perfect reference!
Alan Degenerate
Remember during the lockdowns when all the celebrities' "supplies" dried up and Ellen De was looking so haggard? 🤔
All those celebrity freakout videos during 2020 were a huge tell for me. They didn't all 'coincidentally' start behaving the same and putting it out on socials. Something else other than the steal went on during Novid.
A bit of homework for you, One or two links please?
Back in 2016 these sicko criminals thought they were untouchable forever. Rude awakening bitches. You are all going to be exposed and you are all going down.